Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (2024)

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Enjoy a creamy, luxurious tomato basil soup without the guilt! There is no cream, sugar, or any unnecessary additives in my Tomato Basil Soup! Plus, the secret ingredient makes this soup so so good!

Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (1)

What you WON’T find in this homemade tomato soup is a bunch of cream or sugar.

I haven’t been able to get this creamy, luxurious, sweet, and comforting soup out of my mind for weeks. Tomatoes are still hanging around my farmers market, and I’m taking advantage! I can’t wait to make tons of salads, soups, and other goodies with them before we go into the deep freeze of winter.

If you’ve been following LSJ since the beginning, you know I’ve done a tomato basil bisque in the past. My ashamed self is admitting to you that I had to put cream in it to make it taste as good as it did last time. In my defense, I did make that soup when the fresh tomatoes weren’t quite at their best. Which meant less natural flavor and that means I needed extra herbs to help make the tomato flavor a little noticeable. But never, ever, ever again.

I can’t wait to make a big batch of this every week to have on hand for lunches and midday snacks. Yes, tomato soup is perfect with a little bit of grilled cheese, cheesy croutons, or a hunk of no knead crusty bread when you need a little something to nibble on. Not to mention that it’s exactly what you need if you’ve caught the early fall sniffles.

You will undoubtedly sleep like a 5-month-old baby if you’ve got a belly full of this soup in you. And it’s perfect to meal prep and keep in the refrigerator for weekday lunches.

Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (2)

What makes my secret ingredient tomato basil soup so unique?

One thing that I forgot to mention is that not only is there a secret ingredient in my tomato basil soup, there is also a secret method. The thing about this soup is that the longer you roast the Roma tomatoes, the more sinfully delicious the pot of soup will be. Take your time, enjoy the process. Massage those tomatoes, carrots, onions, and garlic with some olive oil and a generous sprinkle of salt and pepper and pop them in the oven on a low heat setting for one hour. The slow baking process helps to caramelize the veggies a bit on the outside and develops more flavor in the tomatoes and brings out its natural sweetness. They’re wrinkle and cute and loaded with so much flavor when you pull that tray out of the oven. Bonus: your house is gonna smell like a Tuscan tomato field! There’s also zero sugar in my tomato basil soup. Only the natural sweetness from the slow roasting process and the carrots that are going into this soup.

Now, go. Use that hour to its full advantage. Me? –>I popped in a quick Gillian Michaels workout DVD that I hadn’t done in ages and within 10 minutes I was screaming bloody murder because I couldn’t feel any of my limbs. I spent the following 50 minutes cursing Gillian under my breath and vowing to use this DVD sparingly.Homegirl. I’m sure you’ve helped a lot of people, but your beginners level DVD is not for BEGINNERS.

Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (3)

So what’s so secret about secret ingredient tomato basil soup?

The secret to making delicious tomato basil soup or even minestrone is simple. It’s something you’ve already had. It’s something that goes hand in hand when you think of tomatoes and cheese


The Secret Ingredient is… BASIL PESTO!

That super concentrated flavor of basil pesto makes this tomato basil soup NEXT LEVEL STUFF. The pine nuts and parmesan cheese from the pesto addsuch nice depth and creaminess that you’ll forget about adding that heavy cream or half and half in and opt for this more flavorful/ healthier option instead.

The parmesan in the pesto also adds just the right amount of cheesiness to the soup without overpowering it.

This tomato basil soup is exactly what you need to cure that cold that’s starting to come on from the weather changing so rapidly. And it’s perfect for the fall! Imagine a chilly evening complete with a warm blankie, comforting tomato basil soup, and a grilled cheese sandwich to dip, dunk and munch on. For the colder months, the grilled cheese is a MUST. For summer, I served this soup with cheesy toasts. It’s just a bit of provolone on a slice of baguette with a pinch of salt, garlic powder, and a bit of Italian seasoning.

So simple and SO YUMMY.

Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (4)
Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (5)

What else do you need to make secret ingredient tomato basil soup?

The ingredient list is short, but the flavors are huge!

  • Tomatoes (lots of them!)
  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Vegetable broth or Chicken Broth
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Kosher salt and pepper
Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (6)

How to make secret ingredient tomato basil soup:

The first step in making the best homemade tomato basil soup recipe is roasting the Roma or plum tomatoes, onions, carrots, and garlic on a large baking sheet with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Once you’ve done that, it’s as simple as adding the ingredients to a blender and blending them with some of your stock until it’s smooth. Keep in mind that if you’ve got a powerful blender like a Vitamixor a Blendtec, it’ll puree your soup up nicely! If you have a traditional blender, it may take a little longer so you may want to do it in several batches. Once blended, you’ll add all the remaining ingredients to the soup pot and then bring it to a full simmer before serving.

This process can be even simpler if you’ve got an immersion blender.I made this purchase a few years ago, and it has made life so much simpler. If you’ve got one too, you can add the roasted veggies right into the dutch oven pot along with all the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Then let it heat all the way through over medium low heat, and you’re ready to serve.

What if I follow a vegan diet, can I still make this tomato basil soup?

If you’re living a dairy-free or vegan lifestyle, you can still make this soup! There are tons of recipes on the internet for vegan pesto (where the parmesan is replaced with a hint of nutritional yeast), and most health food stores even sell vegan pesto! Just make that simple swap, and you’re good to go.

Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (7)

And that’s it!

Just ten simple ingredients in my from-scratch tomato basil soup recipe. Garnish with fresh basil leaves and you’re ready to serve. So many of you have already made and loved this recipe and –if you decide to give it a go too, I’d love to hear your thoughts! 🙂

Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (8)
Original recipe posted Aug. 2015. Updated Oct. 2018 with new pictures and easier directions.

Yield: 8 servings

Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time1 hour 10 minutes

Total Time1 hour 20 minutes

Enjoy a creamy, luxurious tomato basil soup without the guilt! There is no cream, sugar, or any unnecessary additives in my Tomato Basil Soup! Plus, the secret ingredient makes this soup so so good!

Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (9)


  • 3 lbs. tomatoes, (2 lbs. Roma, cut in half + 1lb. whole cherry, etc.)
  • 1 medium onion, cut into chunks
  • 6-10 garlic cloves
  • 3 large carrots, peeled + cut in half
  • ⅓ cup olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • 4 cups vegetablestock (or chicken stock)
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • ¼-½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 2-4 tablespoons homemade basil pesto


  1. ROAST:Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 375ºF. Place the tomatoes, onions, garlic, and carrots on one large baking sheet. It's okay if some of the ingredients are overlapping. Drizzle the olive oil along with a generous pinch of salt and pepper and give it a good toss so it's all evenly seasoned. Place the baking tray in the oven and allow the ingredients to bake for 1 hour. Check on the ingredients around 30 minutes and give it a toss as needed.
  2. BLEND:Transfer the ingredients along with any juices from the baking tray to a blender and blend the veggies until they are completely smooth. If you've got a super powerful blender it will go in one batch and be super quick. If you've got a regular blender, you may need to add a little broth to help it along. If you've got a hand blender, you can skip this step and add all the remaining ingredients into a large pot and just blend it all there.
  3. SOUP:Transfer the puree into a large dutch oven over medium heat. Add the chicken broth and allow the soup to heat all the way through, about 5-7 minutes. Add the balsamic vinegar andred pepper flakes. Add two tablespoons of the pesto and give the soup a taste. If desired, add more. I used 4 in total because I love a little extra punch of basil. Season with additional salt and pepp as desired. Serve with cheese toasts.


  • VEGAN: If you follow a vegan diet, you'll want to replace the pesto with vegan basil pesto. You can make your own or use a store-bought pesto for this!
  • TO MAKE THE CHEESE TOASTS: On slices of baguette, place sliced provolone cheese, top with a sprinkle of salt, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning. Bake in a 400ºF oven for 4-5 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly!

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

~ 1 cup

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 137Total Fat: 9gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 8gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 391mgCarbohydrates: 12gFiber: 3gSugar: 7gProtein: 2g

Nutritional information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate only. For more accurate nutritional facts, plug the recipe into a nutrition calculator.

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Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (10)

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Secret Ingredient Tomato Basil Soup (No Cream) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (2024)


What can you add to tomato soup to make it better? ›

18 Must-Try Toppings for Your Tomato Soup
  1. Pretzels!
  2. Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Crackers.
  3. Pumpkin Seeds.
  4. Croutons.
  5. Tortilla Strips.
  6. Cheese.
  7. Avocado.
  8. Sour Cream.

What are the ingredients in Aldi tomato basil soup? ›

Tomatoes (35%), Water, Concentrated Tomato Juice, Onions, Tomato Paste, Garlic Puree, Basil, Balsamic Vinegar (Wine Vinegar, Concentrated Grape Must), Rapeseed Oil, Cornflour, Salt, Sugar, Black Pepper.

How do you keep cream from curdling in tomato soup? ›

Add a liitle bit of tomato sauce at a time to the cream until it is warm and then add it all back into the tomato sauce. This will keep it from curdling. Originally Answered: How do I add milk to soup without curdling?

Why do you add baking soda to homemade tomato soup? ›

A small pinch of baking soda will tame any unwanted acidity in the soup.

How to make soup really flavorful? ›

How to Make Broth More Flavorful
  1. Add herbs and spices. Herbs and spices add aroma, flavor, and intensity to soup broth. ...
  2. Pack in umami flavor. "If your broth is lacking in savory richness, try adding roasted onion, tomato paste, mushrooms, seaweed, soy sauce, or miso. ...
  3. Let it evaporate and cook longer.
Jun 28, 2023

What can I add to my soup to make it more flavorful? ›

Use fresh vegetables, high-quality meats or broth, and fresh herbs to add depth of flavor. Add acidity: A squeeze of lemon or lime juice, a dash of vinegar, or a splash of wine can brighten the flavors of a soup and make it taste more complex.

What is the difference between tomato soup and tomato basil soup? ›

Tomato basil soup is similar to tomato soup but a bit thicker and more basil-y. Both are incredibly delicious and great with grilled cheese. Now, tomato soup is less thick than tomato bisque.

Does tomato basil soup raise blood sugar? ›

Tomatoes themselves are a good source of fiber and have a low glycemic index (GI), which means that they are less likely to cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. However, many tomato soups contain added sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, which can all raise blood sugar levels.

What are the ingredients in Harry's organic creamy tomato basil soup? ›

INGREDIENTS: VEGETABLE STOCK (water, vegetable base [vegetables and concentrated vegetables {carrots, celery, onion & tomato}, salt, yeast paste, cane sugar, soy sauce {water, soybeans, salt, alcohol}, maltodextrin, natural flavor, potato starch, yeast extract, dried onion, dried garlic & spice]), CREAM, TOMATO PASTE, ...

What does adding sugar to tomato soup do? ›

A small amount of sugar can help round out the flavor, while too much can make it overly sweet and potentially ruin the dish. Adding sugar may also reduce the acidity in a soup, making it taste less acidic.

Can you add milk to tomato soup without curdling? ›

Baking soda allows you to use milk in your tomato soup recipe without it curdling. If you don't use baking soda, you'll need to use a higher-fat dairy to avoid it separating with the heat and acidic tomatoes.

Can you add milk or cream to soup without curdling? ›

A common technique is to thicken your sauce or soup with roux before adding the milk. This changes the makeup of the liquid and prevents curdling.

Why does my homemade tomato soup taste bitter? ›

Leaf states that this can be due to burning the sauce in the pot or simply dealing with a batch of produce that are overly acidic or metallic from canning or cooking. This can also come from under-ripe or low-quality tomatoes, as well as stirring in a hefty amount of tomato paste, per Boss The Kitchen.

How to make tomato soup more tomatoey? ›

For the most intense tomato flavor, include a couple tablespoons of tomato paste. To get the most out of it, add it to the pan when aromatics like onion and garlic are softened, but before adding the tomatoes. Let the paste cook, stirring frequently, for a few minutes, or until it starts to darken in color.

What can I add to tomato soup to reduce acidity? ›

Yes, adding a pinch of baking soda can help neutralize the acidity in tomato soup. However, it is important to use it sparingly, as using too much can alter the flavor of the soup. Alternatively, adding herbs like basil or oregano can complement the acidity and add a fresh, aromatic element.

What enhances the flavor of tomatoes? ›

Yes, there are other ways to make your tomatoes taste even better and increase the acidity. There is lemon, vinegar, or my personal favorite, balsamic. Just imagine a tomato bruschetta with a balsamic vinaigrette drizzled on top. Yummy!

How do you fix bad tomato soup? ›

If the tomato was just a little sour you can try:
  1. A little bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) to reduce the sourness or.
  2. add a little sugar to balance the acid in the tomato.
  3. Add a little lemon juice, vinegar or hot sauce and just go with a sour stew.
Aug 27, 2023

Is tomato soup better with milk or water? ›

When made with milk, tomato soup should be rich and creamy. Not all soups are created equal. A soup made with milk is usually richer and more luxurious than one made with just water or stock. This addition helps make the soup feel more comforting.

How do you balance tomato flavor in soup? ›

How To Cut The Acidity In Tomato Soup
  1. Add a pinch of sugar. ...
  2. Balance with dairy products. ...
  3. Try a dash of vinegar. ...
  4. Incorporate roasted vegetables. ...
  5. Use low-acid tomatoes. ...
  6. Balance with herbs and spices. ...
  7. Cook with a bit of baking soda.
Mar 5, 2024


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