The Morning Chronicle from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE MORNING CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9. United 8tate of America. Illinois Bonds, boarine Interest per Annum. EFFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, CALLOSITIES, without cutting or causing the Blightestpain. By an Experienced Practitioner, and Author of Practical Exposition on the Human Foot." Mr.

EISENBERG may be consulted daily from Tc till Five o'olock, at his residence, 14, Oockepur-etwet, corner of Pall-mall. OOMBB OF TbSTIMOHUUS. (From the Bight Hon. Lord Elphinstena, late Governor of Madras.) Mr. Eisenberg having asked me for a certificate after sis months' experience of his skill, I have no hesitation in giving it, his treatment having been perfectly successful.

Elphisstohb, To Mr. Eisenberg. London, March 14, 1844. (Prom his Excellency Chevalier Bunssn, his Prussian Majesty's Ambassador the Court of Great Britain,) I have very great satisfaction in stating that Mr. Eisenberg has extracted two very deep corns from my feet, which had for many years given me great pain, and that he has shown also in this case that skill and knowledge which have procured him so very deserved a reputation.

Brass. Carlton House-terrace, London, Aug. II, 1843. (From Doctor Henry Loco*ck.) Sir Having witnessed some of your operations, I can testify that you effect them with, great ability, very expeditiously, and without pain. I especially notice the case of Lady Dick, in which you displayed the skill of a talented practitioner, and the care of a considerate man.

(8igned) Hehbt Loco*ck, M.D. To Mr. Eisenberg, 14, Coekspur-Btreot. Upwards of ten thousand testimonials, similar to the above, nay be seen by favouring him with a call at his permanent establishment, 14, co*ckspur-stropt, corner of Pall-mall. EETH.

12, Berners-straet, Oxford-street, established since 1825, Mr. L. MORELY, Surgeon-Dentist, oi 15, Berners-streel, Oxford-street, has the honour to acknowledge the very liberal and increased practice he has gained for the last twenty years, and, at the same time, begs to inform the nobility, gentry, nnd the public generally, that hB may be consulted dally in all cases incidental to the TEETH ana GUMS. Teeth of every CLASSES. DRAWING GALLERY, 181, GALLERY i now RE-S Ti study of Model Drawing and Practical PerspMttve, vie Human Figure and Anatomy.

Further information respectingthe "rarning and cv ening classes maj be obtained at the Gallery, and at JJickH6on'9jUhograpliic establishment, 1U, Hew Bond-street. EDUCATION at an old-established BOARDING SCHOOL tor YOUNG GENTLEMEN, eight mile from London. Terms 20 to 22 guineas nor annum. The system of edu-eation is entirely emulative, the table moat liberally supplied without limitation, and every possible indulgence afforded. The premises and grounds cannot be surpassed for salubrity of situation, extent of plasure and play-grounds, lawns, orchards, ice.

A most excellent bath, 120 feet in length, supplied by the Hirer Wandle, is devoted to the use of the pupils. French by a professor from Paris. Pupils may be withdrawn at any time, merely by paying to the time of removal. Prospectuses in answer to letters to Z. 49, Paternoster-row.

EDUCATION. At Manor House, near Rirkby Stephen, Westmoreland, young GENTLEMEN arc BOARDED, clothed, provided with stationerj'i and educated by Mr. TW YCROSS, in whatever their future prospects may require, at 20 per annum. There are no extras nor vacations. Prospectuses, with references to parents who have visited the Academy, may bo had at Peele'sCoffet-Iwuse, Elect-street, where Mr.

T. may be seen dally, between twelve and two o'clock, until the 20th instant. LADIES7" SCHOOL. The Principal of a FN nisbing Establishment, a few miles wyet of town, who has for some years experienced the onfitiencc of an extensiTe connexion, adopts this mode of securing the attention of parents who wish their daughter fo receive a solid and accomplished education, combined witli economy. The terms of 26 guineas to include board and instruction in French, Italian, Latin, pianoforte, drawing, geography with the use of the globes, history, composition, elocution, and lectures on literature and natural philosophy.

The pupils are instructed by eight masters of acknowledged talent and resident governesses. References will he forwarded on addressing M. care of Mr. Arnold, 21, Piccadilly. MR.

MILTON'S NEW NOVEL. Immediately, in 3 post ADY CECILIA FAR HEN a. i. A P.OVOI. By HENRY MILTON, Author of "Rivalry." She is a woman, therefore may be woo'd She is a woman, therefore may bo won." Shakspeare.

Henry Colburn, publisher GreatMrlroiiB 0NnjDCHEiPBB EDITION; In 1 vol. pout with a Una Portrait of the Authoress, from a drawing by E. Landseer, R.A., 10s. 6d. bound, THE Hon.

Mrs. NORTON'S POETICAL WORKS. Tho Byron of our modern poetesses." Quarterly Rcviow. Henry cotourn, puuusuci, iq, 13. Great Marlborough-street.

HE NEMESIS IN CHINA. A complete History of the late War. The new ana cubafhk hditium Tho Votaqes and Services of the Nemesis in Chisa," cc, containing the only complete account of tho late war, is now ready, comprised in single volume, with maps and plates, price l8s. bound. wonry uoiouni, PRECEDENTS of MORTGAGES, Transfers of and Conveyances of Mortgaged Property, es-tendiii" to Freeholds, Copyholds, and Leaseholds, and introducing Now Copyhold Forms, cc; with Cases decided tl.oreon, By ROLLA ROUSE, of the Middle Temple, Barnstcr-at-law.

8s. "This book has been prepared with great care, and evinces a perfect knowledge of the Observer. London: Owen Richards, law bookseller, 1B4. Fleet-street. riflHE NEW CHANCERY PRACTICE with jl Practical Directions, an Appondix of Forms, Orders, and Statutes.

By HUBERT AYCKBOURN. 14s. This work will bo indispensablo in all offices having any Chan-eery business, and we recommend the law student to read it with attention." Law Tlmoa. This will be found a very useful little book, as well to tha student as to tho lawyer." Herald. Owen Richards, law bookseller, 104, Fleet-street.

Second edition, price MICHARDS'S BOOK of LAW COSTS all the COURTS, including the Costs upon the lower scale, as recently settled by tlie Judges, A Supplement to First Edition, published separately, prico Ss. sewed. To the legal profession this work is invaluable." Morning Chron. No office will be completely furnished that has not Mr. Richards 'Book of Costs' lying upon the desk for hourly Law Times.

London THE'TavV of WARRANTS of ATTORNEY, Cognovits, and Consents to Judges' Ordirsfor Judgment, with Forms, 4cc. By BENJAMIN COULSON ROBINSON, of tho Middle Temple, Barrisler-at-law. Ss. A well arranged treatise, extremely convenient to the profusion, and contains all the recent decisions." Law Times. London Owen Richards, law bookseller, fcc, 104, I'leet-street.

This day is published, complete in 1 price 7s, EAFNESS, in a Series of Six Contributions to Aural Hnreorv. containing new views of tho Nature, Causes, and Treatment or Dineasos of the Ear, founded on ample exporlenco and careful observation. By JAS. YEARSLEY, Surgeon to the Metropolitan Ear Institution, Sackville-street, Piccadilly. The fnllnwinir Contributions mav bo had separately, price Is.

fid. each 1. Deafness successfully treated through Uio Eustachian Passages. No. 4.

On Deafness from Cold. No. 6. On the best means of componsaling for Incurable DeafneBS. John Churchill, Princes-street, Soho.

Now ready, In 1 vol. of 706 pages, with Statistical Tables, in cloth boards, Hs URAL ECONOMY, in lis Relations with Chemistry. Physics, and Meteorology or an Application of the Principles of Chemistry and Physiology to the Details ot Practical Farming. By J. B.

BOUSSINGAULT, Member of tho Insti-tuto of France, Stc. Translated, with un introduction and notes, by GEORGE LAW, Agriculturist. London H. Baillicre, 210, Rogont-sireet. Just published, TAMES' WORKS.

The third volume of the now and illustrated series of tho Works of G. P. R. James, containing the HUGUENOT, a Tale of the French Protestants," with uu illustration on steel, and a new and highly finished portrait of the author. Medium price 8s.

clotn. Vol. containing Tho Gipsy, was published July 1, 1844. Vol. II.

containing Marv of Burgundy, was published Oct, 1, 1844. Smith, Elder, and Cornhill. SALES BY AUCTION. Freehold Ground Rent. R.

BARNES will SELL by AUCTION, at the Auction Mart, on Friday. January 24, at Twelve, a KKEEHOLD OHOUXO RENT of 15 a year, arising from four well-built dwelling houses and promises, with large gardens, in the Kent-road, tho rack rental presumed to be 160 per annum, Particulars of Mr. Barnes, 33, Fcnchurch-street and at the Auction Mart. Annuity payable from Money in the Funds. R.

BARNES is instructed by the Assignees of T. G. Webb to SELL by AUCTION, at tho Auction Mart, on Friday, January 21, at Twelve, without rcssvve, tho LIFE INTEREST (now in possession) of the said T. G. Webb, aged 3-i years, in tho Dividends and Interest arisin? from 1,360 Reduced Annuities, standing in the names of two trustees, under and by virtue of a aettlement sanctioned by the Court of Chancery.

Particulars had of Mr. Hodgkinson, solicitor, Bell-yard, Doctors' Commons; and of Mr. Barnes, S3, Fenchurch-street. Clanham-road. Two Residence, with Gardens.

R. BARNES is directed bv the Mortgageis SELL by AUCTION, at tho Auction Mart, on Friday, Jan. 24, at Twelve, a long LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, Portland-plan' North, Stockwell, eligible for a small investment, consltting of 2 d. tached cottago residences, with large nailed gardens, each containing eight rooms, fitted up with fixtures; held for 81 yearB, at a ground rent. Particulars at the Swan, Stoekwe!) of Mr.

Surr, solicitor, 80, Lombard-street; and of Mr. Homes, Feiiclwrch-strcot, Ha mpstead. Copyhold Houses. R. BARNES is directed by the Mortgagees to SELL by AUCTION, at tha Auction Mart, on Friday.

January 24, at Twelve, a desirable small property, situate on the summit of Hollvbush-hill, and close to the High-streel, Hampstead. compriBing TWO DWELLING HOUSES, three stories in height, let to J. Wheeler and W. Ptowbo, at 40 a year, copyhold of the manor of at tho principal inns in the village; of Mr. Surr, solicitor, 80, Lombard-street; and of Mr.

Barnes, 38, Fenchurch-street. Worthing, in tho county of 8usiex. QUALLETT is honoured with instructions from the Executors of Mr. John Johnson, with the consent of the Mortgagor, to SELL by AUCTION, at the Auction Mart, THIS DAY, January 0, nt Twelve, in two lots, two FREEHOLD HOUSES, being Nob. and 10, in South-street, Worthing, of a substantial character and attractive appearance, admirably adapted for business, being in tho very centre of Ihe town, and are let (No.

lOon lease) to highly respectable tenants, at rents producing per annum a clear income of 92. May bo viewed with leave of the tenants; and particulars had at the Nelson Inn, Worthing; 8hlp Hotel, Brighton Star Inn, Lowes of Thos, J. Foord.EBq., solicitor, Pinners'-hall, Old Broad-street, London and of Mr. ftuallett, 28, Parkor's-row, Ber-mondsey, London. Periodical Sale of Reversions, Advowsons, Life Intercut, Life Policies, Shares in Public Undertakings, Established in 1803.

ESSRS. SHUTTLEWORTH and SONS re- snectfulfv inform the public that forty years' experience having proved the classification of this species of property to be extremely advantageous and economical to vendors, and equally satisfactory and convenient to purchasers, tlio PERIODICAL SALES of reversionary interests, policies of insurance, tontines, debentures, advowflons, next presentations, all securities dependent upon human life, shnres in dockB, canals, mines, railways, and all public undertakings, will be continued through 1815, as follow: Friday, Feb. Friday, March 7 Friday, April Friday, May 2: Friday, June 0: Frhlay, July 4 Friday, Annual 1 Friday, September 5 Friday, October Friday, nnd Friday, December 5, 28, Poultry, December 6, 1844. Seven Hundred cholco Pictures, Drawings, Prints, kc. ESSRS.

DEBENMAM and STORR will SELL, at timir Rooms, King-street, Covent-garden, THIS DAY, January 0, and following day, at Eleven, a selection of fino PICTURES, including specimens of tho following, with other Masters Cuyp Sir J. Reynolds Nnsmyth Georgiona Du Jardin Murlllo Watteau Lariese Rubens Vermuelon Metzer Titian Mleris Corrcggio Wouvermans Itottcnhauter Dielricht Rembrandt, and Zuccharelll. Morland Breughel Landseer Domiuichlno Hogarth To Builders, Carpenters, and Others. One Hundred and Forty-five Elm Trees or largo dimensions and prime quality, reiiod and Ivlns in the Fields, with tho Butts. fa*gsols.

aud Stackwood. K. WAKUiiJN resppCTiiuty announces that, ho will SELL the above by direction of E. R. Adams.

at Elmer Farm, Beckenham, near Sydenham, on Thursday, January 28, ot Eleven for Twelve precisely. May be viewed upon application to Mr. Brown, the bailiff, at tho farm, of whom catalogues may be obtained and also ot tho White Hart, Bromley George, Beckenham Greyhound, Croydon aud Sydenham atGarnt-wnys and of Mr. Warren, land and timber surveyor, Islcworth. Purchasers are requested to meet at the Farm-yard, Elmer's End, Beckenham.

Trains by the Croydon Railway arrive at ten, eleven, and twelve, from London-bridge, at the Anerley-f lation, Penge Com" ruon, which is about twenty minutes' walk from the Farm. Wines of tho Rev. E. Clifford, deceased. R.

SMITH has received instructions from the Executors of the deceased to SELL by AUCTION, without reserve, TO-MORROW, Jan. 1U, at Twelve, a small but very choice cellar of WINE, comprising 24 dozs. Port, very old, in bottle; It! doz. pints ditto, 24 doz. ot very choice gold coloured Sherry, 12 doz.

of Malaga, and 8 doi. ol Brandy and Whisky, also SfiO cases of very rplendid Port, bottled in Oporto, pink and pale Champagne, sparkling Hock, Claret, and other wines, with a few lots of other property. The whole may be viewed, nnd the wines tasted at the time of Bale; catalogues at tne auction mart, ana oi tne Auctioneer, so, Throg-roorton-street. Three valuable Polices of 1,000 each, in tho London Life Association. ESSRS, WILKINSON are instructed by the Assignees (with the concurrence of the Mortgagees) of Messrs.

Johnson and Mann to SELL by AUCTION, at the Auction Mart, on Friday, January 17, at Twelve, three old P0LICIE8 of 1,000 each, on tho life of a gentleman now in his 75th year, In the London Life Association, annual premium 16 18s. Co. Particular may bo had ef Messrs. Stevens, Wilkinson, and Satchell, fl, Queen-street, Cheapside; W. Murray, London-street, Fenchurcli-Btreet; John Follett, official assignee, Sambrook-court, Basing-hall-street at the Auction Mart; and of the Auctioneers, Ludgate- hllL Greek-street.

Household Furniture, double-action Pedal Harp, fit-octave Cabinet Pianoforte, some Champagne, kc. ESSRS. FOSTER and SON are directed by the Executor to SELL by AUCTION, at the Great Room. 14. Greek-street, Soho-aquare, on Saturday, January 11, at Twelv precisely, uoeful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, removod from Park-lane; including Brussels and Kidderminster carpets, fenders and Irons, curtains, chairs, sofas, dining tables, a sideboard, six-feet mahogany French bedstead and bedding, chests of drawers, wash stands, glasses, open and glazed bookcases, an eight-light lustre, tirawing-room furniture, a pianoforte, a double-action pedal harp, cut class, dessert sets, lamps, chimney glasses, and 24 dozens of very good Champagne.

On view lo-morrow; and catalogues had tit the offices, 14, Greek-street, and 64, Pall-mall. fjinO be" SOLD by" PUBLIC AUCTION, pur- suant to an Order of tho High Court of Chancery, made In the cause of Peach v. Plgou," with tho approbation of Andrew Henry Lynch, the Master to whom the Bald cause stands referred, some time in the month of February next, of which duo notice will be given, the NEXT PRESENTATION to the RECTORY of IDLI-COTE, in the county of Warwick, situate 2 miles from Shipston-on-Stour, 14 from Warwick, 12 from Banbury, 11 from Chipping Norton, 10 from Stratford on-Avon, 30 from Oxford, and 84 from London. The tithes liavo beon commuted for a rent charge of 300 per annum, and which rent charge is paid in one 6ura by the solo landowner in tho parish, subject to rates and taxes, averaging about i'20 per annum. Tho land tax redeemed.

The present incumbent is in the 73d year of his age. The purchaser will be entitled to tlw presentation upon tho decease of the preient incumbent, provided a young gentleman in tho 11th year of his age shall survive him. Further particulars maybe shortly had at the said Master's Chamber-, Southampton-buildings, Chancey-lane, London; ofMessri.Baxendole and 7, Great Winchester-street, and 34, Lincoln's-inn-tlelds and of Mcsus, Walker, Great, and Just published in 8vo, price 8s. THE AMIDEI. A Tragedy, in rive am.

What storm is this that blows so contrary 1" tinman nnd William Pickering, publisher, 177, Piccadilly. In foolscap price c-'pth, EMORIALS of the LIFE and WRITINGS of THOMAS FULLER, D.D., Author of "The Church History," Worthies ot imgianu, ecc. By the Rev. ARTHUR T. RUSSELL, B.C.L., Vicar of Caxton, CambridgeBhiro.

William I'lCKOnng, puuiisner, In foolscap prico 7. cloth, OUTLINES OF MAN'S TRUE INTEREST. By the Rev. T. CHARLES BOONE, of St.

Peter's College, Cambridge, Vicar of Kensworth, Herts. William Pickering, publisher, 177, Piccadilly. In price ACRAY'S MANUAL of BRITISH HIS- mnni.yc A lflin. Coiitniiiine- A Chronological Account of the Early Chroniclers and MonkiBh Writers, their printed works and unnublisnea Mas. William 1'icitering, puunsner, in.

rwunuiny. Thin flay. Vols. 1 and 2. 30s.

Cloth. ANKE'S HISTORY of the REFORMATION. Translated ty SARAH AUSTIN, Translator of Ranke's History of the Popes." London Longman, Browu, Green, and Longmans. CHURCH, SCHOOL, AND PARISH. Tills day ii.

published, with wood engravings, AROCHIALIA; or, Church, School, and Patish. The Church System and Services practically consi- Hv tim Rev. JOHN SANDFORD. M.A.. Vicar ol Dunniiurcn, Chntilain to tha Lord Bishop of Worcester, Honorary Canon of Worcester, and Rural Dean.

London Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY LIFE. dnv Ifi nllhlished. nont 10s. 6d.

Cloth. fflHE COLLEGIAN'S GUIDE; or, Recollee- lions of College Days setting forth the Advontages ano i emp- tations of a University Lducation. ay College, Oxford. London Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, M.A Second edition of THE ISTORY oftheBATTLE of WATERLOO. ByCaptain SI BORNE (constructor of tho Waterloo model).

Just published, in 2 vols with eleven portraits aud on atlas of eleven lnvgu folio maps and plans. Price 4tis. We bail this work as a standard history of tho Waterloo campaign a worthy companion and sequel to the Peninsular campaigns of Napier." Naval and Military Gazette. T. nnd W.

Boone, publishers, 29, New Bond-street; Oliver and Boyd, Ediuburgh; ,1. Cummlng, Dublin. Now ready, in 1 vol. witli map and plates, AUSTRALIA, from PORT MACQUARIE to MOUETON BAY with descriptions ot the natives, their manners and customs, the geology, natural productions, fertility and resources of that region, first explored and surveyed by order of the colonial government. By CLEMENT II0DRKINS0N.

We have been much pleased with this work, nnd have read it through with great interest." Simnionds's Colonial Magazine. T. and W. Boone, 50, 'ew Bond-street. price kHPAIN and the SPANIARDS in 1843: with k3 accounts of districts very seldom visited, natural history, geology, minos, antiquities, line arts, the church, pronunciamcntos, fall of the regoncy, By Captain S.

E. WIDDRINGTON, R.N., F.R.S., author of "Sketches of Spain in 1820, 30, 51, and 82." This is a solid well informed book, written by a man of great cxperionce. of unusual attainments, and thoroughly acquainted with. Spain." Examiner. T.

and W. Boone, 21), New Bond-street; Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh J. Gumming, Dublin. Now ready, In 4 vols. with Portraits, AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES, With Memoirs and Notes.

By J. HENEAQE JESSE, Author of Memoirs of the Court of England." The first two volumes, or the last two volumes, may bo had separately, to complete sets. There is a charm in tlw bare t'fle of this book. It is an open sesame' to a world of pleasant things, and i6 c6rlainly one which every possessor of a library should jiosBess." Edinburgh Review. Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street (Publisher in ordinary to her Majesty).

Now ready, in 2 vols. with Portraits, Sec, MEMOIRS OP THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ST. VINCENT, G.C.B., With the Correspondence with Lord Nelson and other distinguished Personages, now first published from the original MSS. By JEDEDIAH STEPHENS TUCKER, Esq.

From the commencement to the close of his prolonged career, Lord St. Vincent, with his triple crown, successively displayed in his own conduct a model for tho imitation of the midshipman, the cop-tain, and the admiral." Times. 11 The present work is Indlnpensable to a complete view of Lord St. Vincent's career." Morning Post. Kichanl Bentley, Now Burlington-street (Publisher in ordinary to her Majesty).

Now ready, in 2 post TRAVELS IN milE GREAT WESTERN PRAIRIES, JL THE ANAHUAC and ROCKY MOUNTAINS, AND IN THE OREGON TERRITORY. By THOMAS J. FARNHAM. Wo earnestly recommend all those young gentlemen of England who rave about tho poetry of the desert, to read Mr, Farnbam's practical matter-of-fact narrative of its horrors, beforo thoy forsake tho comforts of England to become, in their impatience for wealth, overlanders' in Australia, or backwoodsmen in North America." Times. Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street (Publisher in ordinary to her Majesty).

Now ready, in tl vols. withporfruits now first engraved from the originals in possession of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire and the British Museum, MEMOIRS OF ARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. Bv L. STANHOPE F. BUCKINGHAM, Esq.

Mr. Buckingham's new memoir of this interesting Princees is a worthy addition to our historical literature. In tho latter events of her life, sho is shown to have been sinned but not to have been sinning. The work altogether is exceedingly curious and valuable." Evening paper. Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street Publisher in ordinary to her Majesty).

By Authority. New Merchant Seamen's Act. THE SHIPMASTER'S GUIDE, with reference to the Merchant Seamon's Act (7 and 8 cap. 112); with a copy of the act nnd directions for making tho required returns, a description of the register tieket, and a copious index. By tho REGISTRAR or SEAMEN.

Prico 2s. (Id. A useful little work, containing tho new Merchant Seamen's Act, with a commentary and notes, and an index, as a guide to owners and captains or vpbscIb who may roquiro to look Into its provisions." Times, December .11, 1844. Also, price Us. The Scale of Medicikes with which Merchant VesselB are to bo furniBhed, In pursuance of the same act, with directions for their UBe.

By Charles M'Arthur, M.D., Royal Navy. London: W. S. Orrand Amon-corncr where may bo had all the forms and schedules required by the act. POPULAR WORKS BY F.

DE PORQUET. Just nubllshed, a now and much improved edition (being the 28th) of TRESOR DE L'ECOLIER FRANCAIS, JL price Gd. bound also a Key to the same French Dictionary, entirely new edition Parisian Grammar Conversations ParisienncB Ln Petit Secretaire Parisien First French Reading Book Parisian Phraseology German Trcsor-ditto Reading Book ditto Phraseology Italian Tresor ditto Reading Book ditto riirasoology Histbira de Napoleon Histolre do Franco Hiatolre d'Angletcrre, fcc. Tho method M. F.

de Porquet has adopted in the teaching of language! is borne out by the first metaphysical minds, and Che first of scholastic authoritiesfrom John Locko or Roger Aachara downwards." Educational Magazine. Scholastic agency as usual. Office hours ton till four. 11, Tavistock-street, Covent-garden. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PASSIONS.

Th' aspiring youth, th' adult, tho student, traveller The wealthy idler, or tho toiling son of trade, Tho gay lothario, or reserved divine. Will learn here more than their philosophy essay'd." Tho 72 engravings, 20 cases, price by post Is. ON CHASTITY, its Abuses, and Diseases, with reference to Health, Marriage, and Posterity. Bv K. J.

CULVER WELL, M.D., M.R.C.S., Author of The Institutes of MARHiAau. Price by post 8s. Sherwood, 23, Patorno9tcr-row Carvalho, 147, Fleet-street; Oxford-street; Mann, 80, Cornhill and the Author, 21, Arun-dcl-slrei't, Strand. At hom*o daily till Two; Evenings Seven (111 Nine. The Third Edition.

Just published, price the NATURE and CURE of'STRICTURES of the URETHRA; being the result of many years' ei- tnnaivo nrnetlotl cxnericncc in the treatment of every variety ol Urolhral Obstruction. The important and successful improvements in tho treatment of stricture, resulting from the enlarged opportunities of observation which tho author's exclusive ottontlon to the pathology and cure of this diseaso and its consequences has afforded, are satisfactorily attested by the numerous severe and protracted cases, whose sticceisful treatment aro fully detailed in an appendix. By F. B. COURTENAY, M.R.C.S.L.

Published by H.Bnilliere, 219, Regent-street, London Machlachlan, Stewart, and Edinburgh Hedges nnd Smith, Fannin and Dublin W. Strong, BriBtol Simms nnd Den ham, Manchester W. Grape, Liverpool; and sold by all booksellers. Just published, Ninth Edition, prico 2e. and sent free on receipt nf mist-office order, in a sealed onvelone.

for 8s. ANLY HEALTH a Popular Inquiry into the concealed Causes of its Premature Decline with In structions for its complete restoration addressed to those sutlcring from the destructive consequences ol excessive indulgence, youthtul imprudeneu, or infection, including a comprehensive dissertation on marriage, with remarks on the treatment of Syphilis and the class of diseases resulting therefrom. Illustrated with Cases. By C. J.

LUCAS and consulting surgeons, London. May be had of the Authors, 60, Newman-street, Oxford-street; and sold by Brlttaln, 11, Paternoster-row; J. Gordon, 140, Leadenhall-strest G. Mansell, 8, Kiiig-streel, Southwark; Huott, 87, Prince's-street, Leicester-square; Hannay and 63, Oxford-street; W.Wood, 78, High-street, Birmingham T. Sowler, 4, St.

Ann's-squarc, Manchester J. Howoli, bookseller, 76, Dale-street, Liverpool and by all booksellers. At home, for consultation, daily from 10 till 2, and from Still 8, and immediate replies sent to all letters, if accompanied by tho consultation fee of il for advice, 60. Newman-street, Oxford-street. London.

Just published, lie.M., free, by pes' (in a saalod envelope), 3.6d, rilHE SILENT FRIEND a medical work, on A Human Frailty, tho Infirmities ol the Generative System in both sexes; and on the loss of the reproductive powers; with moras ol restoration. Tlie baneful effects of solitary indulgence, noglecled syphiliB, strictures, secondary symptoms, kc, aro fully pointed out. Illustrated by engravings followed by observations on marriago, with plain directions for tho romofii o- certain diequallflcatioBj By R. and L. PSSBY and Cor.s'jiiinc Surgeons.

Published by the authors, and sold the; residence, Berners-st also by Strango, 31, Paternoster-row; Hannay and 68, PurklB, Soho; Noble, 109, Chancery-lane; J.Gordon, 146, London; and by all booksellers. Opinions op the Pubss. Tho autliers of The Bilent Friend' seem to bo thoroughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints which are, we fear, too prevalent in tho present day. The perspicuous stvlo in which this book is written, and tlie valuable hints it conveys to thoso who are apprehensive of entering tho marriage state, cannot fail to recommond it to a careful perusal." Era. This work should be read by all who value health and wish to enjoy life, for tha truisms therein contained dofy all doubt," Farmer's Journal.

TheOoidhl Balk op Stsuobm is exclusively directed to tha euro of nervous and sexual debility, irregularity, weakness, impotenoy, barrenness, loss of appetite, indigestion, consumptive habits, and debilities arising from excesses, dec. In Bottles, price or the quantity of four in -ono Bottle for by which lis. aro saved. Sold by all medicine venders, of whom may be had tho Silent Friend." The Five Pound CaaeB may be had m3 usual, PaartY's FunrFTiHW Sfe-OIFIO PlLia are the most effectual cure for every stage of a certain disease In both sexes; includingsecondary symptoms, disorders of tie urinary passages, and all external disease of tho skin, without hindrance to business. Consultation fee, if by letter, il.

A minute detail of cases is necessary. Messrs. Perry are in daily attendance, for consultation, at their residences, iy, Borners street, Oxford-street, London, from mill 2, and 5 till 8, sad on Sundays from 10 till 19. One personal visit only It nocotaary io eiftot a permanent cure. PATENT EVER-POINTED PENCIL.

S. MORDAN and CO. CAUTION the public in purchasing this useful article to sea that the patentees' name be stamped legibly on the cose A quantity of counterfeits are constantly pressed on tho nubile, as they yield a greater profit to the salesman, but will bo found of no value in use. These remarks apply also to 8. Mordan and Patent LeadB for replenishing the Bame.

Manufactory, 23, City-road, London, TTTNDER her Most Gracious Majesty's Royal I rt TJfltent. RTOCKEN'S INSTANTANEOUS PATENT BINDING PINS, for securing music, newspapers, and publications, the most useful article ever invented for all government, law, and public offieee, indispensable to all ambassadors for despatches, news-venders and reading rooms, the clergy and medical gentlemen, stu-donts and others attending lectures. Price Is. per packet of 25-plns. To bo had of all music sellers, stationers, and at 53, Quadrant, Regent-street.

Clothes, hair, naiL ad tooth brushes of tha best manufacture an extensive assortment of ivory brushes, tortoise-shell, and other combs, at exceedingly low charges. Also evory re-nuisitf for SI. 1 in Quadrant. Regent-street. TPRENCH NOVELS of PAULde KOCK, at 3s, Midi.

Famllle Gogo, being No. 28 of this po- nular Mcket edition, includlng-La Jolie Fillo du Faubourg, 3s. le Jeune Homme Charmant, Georgette, Maison Biancne, Ss -Ce Monsieur, GuBtave, Mon Voisin Raymond, 8s. Mens. Dupont, Seeur Anne, Ni Jamais i Toujours, 8s.

KS de' and in all 28 novels for net 4 -At Mons. DELAPORTE'S Parisian Depository, No. 110, Regent-street. New French plays anojrreucn yn. TNE TRADE ol GAL.

JrltU- nriMiivfis MEETING of Nobility, Wine Proprietors. -JL of t.ho Wine District of tho Alto Douro. held at tho Quinta of Messrs. Offley, Webber, and Forrester, at Pezo-da-Recoa, 8th October, 1841. Translated in Published by Dovnuin and Brown, 40 and 41, Old Broad-street, London.

ULLIEN'S CHIMES QUADRILLE will be rMdv for delivery on Tuesday, the I4th, at the Author's office, 8, Maddox-street, Bond-6treet. A GRAND MILITARY FANTASIA, lor the Pianoforte, describing the great Moral Revolution at Athens, 1S43. Bv J. COHAN, pnpil of Bies. Brilliant ana exciuve we recommend it to all lovers of music." Musical fcxamlner.

"An extraordinary effort." Era. Treated throughout with mnch taste." Court Gazette. "The highest order of mtiBic." Age and Argus. Also a Rondo. "Brilliant, a very original wuipubiuuu.

-cmn. Sold bv all muslcscllers; and at the author's residence, 28, sono-square" Mr. Cohan glveB lessons on the Pianoforte and Violin, solo or accompaniea. nrmrc LARGEST ENGRAVING in the W.ORLD a -h raiivn PANORAMA of LONDON and a Double Number of the PICTORIAL TIMES, full of magnificent ongravings, Saturday, January 11, price irtoen postage stamps sent to the office, 185. Flect-streat, London, will ensure the delivery of both to anv nart of the United Kingdom, tho CoSomos, or ranee.

mriTJV. GREAT GUN No. 9, price stamped JL 4d.) of THIS DAY Arcs volllrs at the Quacks and Sir James Graham's Medical mil. it aiso cunianib uiu ain" 1 lIioNowEavlofVaux-Hall Parody on a NewBpaper The Great Gun Gazette-Antigono reviewed classically and musically Taxation, in a series of cuts, with portraits oi puuiic uiwravie no Throne-Needleworkcrs-The Works of Dickens analyzed-Musical Literature-Sporting Drama, Office. 63.

Fleet-street, where the back numbers may bo had; and of all newsvenders- ALVANISM. Invalids are solicited to send IJT to Mr. HALSE, of 5, Pclham-crescent, Brompton, London, (or his enlarged PAMPHLET on HnuiMt 11 be forwarded free or expense, inejwin contents. In it will be lound tno particulars oi asthma, rheumatism, sciatica, tic aouiouroux, piu-iji, nlainte, head-nches, deficiency of nervous energy, liver complaints, debility, indigestion, stiff joints, all sorts of nervous disorders, Mr. Halse's method of applying the galvanic fluid is quite free from all unpleasant sensations; in fact, it is rather pleasurable than otherwise, and many ladies are exceedingly of it.

It quickly camcs the patient to do without medicine Tortus, one guinea per week. PUBLICATIONS. In a few (Jays, price and Part I in a stitched cover, containing four Numbers, prico 0d a New Edition ol THE LIFE of Sir WALTER SCOTT. By J. G.

LOCKHART, Esq. People's Issue. To be comploteil in one umrorm wltn tne waveny iovei, nuw in ij.ubiois. It. Cndell, Edinburgh Houlston and Stoneman, London.

This dnv is nnhlished. nrico EPLY to a Pamphlet entitled INDIA and Lord ELLEN BOROUGH. Hy Mrt'A. J. Ollivier, 60, PnlNraall.

Effingham Wilson, No. 11, Royal Exchange, has lately published, in a tabular form, ORN, CURRENCY, and CONSOLS, their Fluctuations from 1700. Exceedingly usetui tor reierenco too euBnivuig i ne-f: net." Times. The illustration from the eye to the understanding is perloct. Literary Gazette.

New edition, price Is. coloured. PEDIMENTS OP THE PARTHENON. Just published, Part pries 4s of rpHE CLASSICAL MUSEUM; containing SL (among other interesting articles) a Paper, by Professor WELCKER, on the Sculptured Groups in the Pediment of tho Parthenon. Taylor and Walton, 28, Upper Gower-Etrect.

Now ready, price No. 2, of THE GALLERY of NATURE; a Pictorial Description and Historical Tour, through Creation. By tho Rev. J. MILNER, M.A.

Contents Astronomy during tho Middle Ages. London William S. Orr and Amcn-corncr. Sold by all booksellers. vols.

with two large maps by Arrowsmith, and above SO illustrations, some coiourea tunuer uiv numum ui nut wiojo.j TrnrritNALS of two expeditions of eS DISCOVERY in North-west and Western Australia, during the years 1W17, 1838, mid 1830. By Captain GEORGE GREY, Go vernor of South Australia. "We have rarely seen a more interesting book." Examiner. "ThiBis a work deserving high praise. As a book of travels, it is one of the most interesting wa remember to have met with." Westminster Review.

T. and W. Boone, publishers, 20, New Bond-street Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh J. dimming, Dublin. THE ALPHABET, AND VARRONIANUS.

Just published, in price COMMENTS on the Rev. J. W. DONALDSON'S BRIEF EXAMINATION of the REJOINDER." By T. HEWITT KEY, M.A,, Professor of Comparative Grammar in University College, London.

Also, recently puonsneu, A LrvrTBR to G. Losa, on the Vnrronianus." By T. Hewitt Koy, M.A. 12mo. 6d.

A REJOINDER tO the ROV. J. W. UOKALDSHH 1. Hewitt Key, M.A.

With an Appendix, 12mo, le. London: Charles Knight and Ludgate-streeL Now reudv, the Hecond edition of N. 'J This Is a real book not a shorn. It displays a varied and comprehensive power of mind and a genuine mastery over the first and strongest or moaern languages, ine uumur nus mo uim-racter and humour of the Eastern mind as completely as AnaBtasius, while In his gorgeous descriptions and power of sarcasm ho rivals Vathck. His terseness, vigour, and bold imagery remind us of the brave old stylo of Fuller and of South, to which ho adds a spirit, freshness, and delicacy all his own." Quarterly Review.

Loudon: John Ollivier, 51), Pall-mall. Now ready, at all tha libraries, THE BORDER WARDENS. BY MRS. P0NS0NBY. A bold, spirited romance; full of character, full of incident, full of picture." Naval and Military Gazette.

The episode of tho Border farmer, and of his beautiful wife Rona, is stirring and life like." Speetatar. The author's descriptions aro uniformly graphic and Sun. London: John Mortimer, publisher, Adelaide-street, in 1 thick vol. price 8b. 0d.

handsomely and strongly bound, ELEMENTS of UNIVERSAL HISTORY, on a New and Systematic Plan; from tho Earliest Times to the Treaty of Vienna. To which is added, a Summary of tho Loading Events since that Period. For the use of schools nnd of private students. By H. WHITE, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge.

This work is divided into three parts, corresponding with Ancient, Middle, and Modem History, and again subdivided into centuries, so that the various events aro presented In the order of time; while it is so arranged that the annals of each country may be road consecutively. To guide the researches of the student, the work contains numerous synoptical tables, with sketches of literature, antiquities, and manners at tho great chronological epochs. "The 1 Elements of Universal History is entitled to grent praise tho writer has taken a firm grasp of his subject, ho exhibits just estimate of things, and separates, by typographical divisions, tho narrative of events tho commentary upon tliem." Spectator. This work has been compiled with care and skill." Athenaeum. This is an able treatise, at once clear, correct, nnd comprehensive." Scotiman.

Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh Slrapkin, Marshall, and London. This day, price Is. fid. cloth extra, with 105 engravings on wood, the second edition of NICOL'S INTRODUCTORY BOOK of the SCIENCES adapted for tho use of schools and prlvalo students. In two parts.

Part I. Physical Sciences. Parts. Natubal Sciences. It is the best compendium of the sciences we have yet root with." Atlas.

Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh; Simpkin, Marshall, and London Just published, cloth, ON the NATURE and TREATMENT of TIC-DOULOUREUX, Sciatica, and other Neuralgic Disorders. By HENRY HUNT, M.D., Membor of tho Royal College of Physicians, London. London John Churchill, Princes-street, Soho. Just published, second edition, enlarged, cloth, 2b. THERMAL COMFORT; or, Popular Hints for Preservation against Colds, Coughs, and Consumntion.

Bv Sir GEORGE LEFEVRE, M.D., Fellow of thB Royal College of rnysicians. To all who are in earnest about preserving their bodies from the influence of cold, Dr. Lefevre's book will supply useful hints." Atlienteum. London John Churchill, Princes-street, Soho. LA'MERT ON GENERATIVE DEBILITY, NERVOUSNESS, Hr.

Just published, 10th thousand, free by post for 8a. SELF-PRESERVATION; a Popular Essay on those Concealed Dlaordersoiiginating in Solitary Habits or Ex cesses, which terminate in Nervous Debility, Local or Constitutiona' Weakness, with plain directions for perfect restoration. By SAMUEL LA'MERT, Consulting fiurgeon, 9, Bedford-street, Bedford-flquato, London, Matriculated Member of the University of EdiDDurgh Licentiate of Apothecaries' Hall, London, lets. The various nositions of Lover, Husband, and Parent, the inherent privileges of mankind, aro frequently marred and prevented through the follies and frailties of early indiscretions. To such, among others, this essay addresses Itself; and by its perusal mans questions may bo satisfactorily adjusted that admit of no appeal even to the niost confidential friend." Stafford Gazette.

8old by S. Gilbert, 62, Paternoster-row; Hannay and 68, Oxford-st, Staric, 39, Quadrant; Gordon, 146, and by all booksellers. At tills The Twenty-thlrd Thousand. Just published, in a sealed onvelope at 3s and sent post free, for Ss. ANHOOD the Causes of its premature De cline, with plain directions for its nerfect Restolatiom addressed to the sufferer from local and debillt, ner-vouBness, despondency, or montaMrritafion with observathws on tha treatment and cure oi sypmiis'iiiustratcd with cases, o.

By J. L. CURTIS and Consulting Surgeons, London. Published by tlie Authors mi sold by Burgess, 28, Coventry-street, Haymarket; Hamiaj, 63, Oxford-street; Mann, SB, Corohili; Strange, Si, Paternoeter-rotv, London. 8owler.

Courier-office, Manchester Philip, South Cnstle-itreet, Liverpool Clancy, 6, Bedford-row, Dublin; Drumrnoud, 21, Catherine-jtreet, Edinburgh', and all booksellsn. Houra of contralteitoii from 10 till 3, and 5 (ill 5 in tho evening, at No. 7, So'uo-squue. in. bee toinform the Public that the SALE of th.

-i' Vi la POSTPONED for the present. Due notice of the day 0, given. 8, Lancaster-place, Strand, Jan. 8, 1845. Norland-square, Notting-hill, Middlesex.

LcasthoiJjr--N Ocrunation or Investment. tr! ESSRS. FAREBROTHER, CLARK will SELL by AUCTION, at Garraway's. nn iTM- January io, wiwcuc, A DESIRABLE LEASEHOLD ESTATE, for occupation or investment, consisting of a substantial, built private residence, cngioiy situate, ana Being- x0, -land-square, Notting-hill, containing every accomme'diu! genteel family, and held for a term of ninety. uin years 1 summer.

1812. at a ground rent. To be I on i th' Ii' had at the Casile, Kensington of Messrs. Campbell and licitors, Essex-street, Strand at Garraway's; and tit orotuer, uiarK, ana ijycsuuicea, i.ain-i,MKc-iJiiicp, mrnuii, Rent Charge of and 60 per annum; also 0J Turnnika Bonds, and Redeemed Land-tai ESSRS. FAREHROTHER, CLARK, nro instructed to SELL, at l)tiLT und'T tho will of CHARLES LATE DUKE OF NORFOI.if In Loti, A RENT CHARGE OF.

116 PER ANNUM, being the sum payable In lieu of the great liihtj of tt ri. Leigh, In the county of Surrey, A RENT CHARGE OF 80 PER AS.Vrja payable inlieu of the tithes of tlie parish of Rudgwick, of Sussex. -ft BONDS AMOUNTING TO .2,23,, SECURED 0: TURNPIKES; FIVE SHARES IN THE WEY AND ARI'N and five Croydon ditto, and a land-lax ol ticulars are preparing, and may be had, 21 days prior D. Stodman, solicitor, Horsham, Kusiex; of siein nillton, and Fews, solicitors, Henriella-streot, Cveatti' Messrs. Farcbrother, Clark, and Lye, 0, and at Garraway's.

v-- 1 To Distillers and Others. Hieh-street, ESSRS. FAREBROTHER, have received instructions to SELL, needav, January 29, at Twelve, tlie CAPITAL FREEHOLD, newly erected, RECTIFYING DISTILLERY, with all necessary and substantial buildings for (Tr.iuc!:.. cern of the flat magnitude, together with the r-'," 1 SUPERIOR PLANT, fitted on the most approved mortem principle, with a. CAPITAL RESIDENCE in tho front of High-street, Whitechnpol.

Possession To be vicwod, and particulars had of I. J. Wuihen, Bedford-square; oftf. II. Walker, Esq, architect ami Carlton-chambers, Regent-street; at Ganavfat's: alV Farebrother, Clark, and Lye's oflkes, 0.

Lancasrer-nhcv, Well secured Annuity ol 100 during tlie lifo of a ttenjjj-; year of his ag'-1, whose lih is HnnTinTiirnTi t.i win ticijij, at urarniuy is on uuin st.j, Twelve (unless an acceptable olVcr is prcuonsly made lr 'v Contract), AN ANNUITY OF ONE HUNDRED payable during the lifo of a gcntlemin now in the age, beintt a legacy under a will, and secured ny: freehold tslatus, and a large sum of tr.cii-y in fun.1., the names of highly respectable i-, uwi aiso a policy of assurance effected on tho Hie of in tlie English and Scottish Assurance may be had at Garraway's; and of Messrs. Farei-other, cvj" Lye, fl, Lancaster-place, Strand. Kent, in the Garden of England. Important Freehold Mansion, huely undulated and iuuler-rd ftitk. Grounds, Gardens.

ai.d Forms, with eonvenieu Acres of rich Land, Hop sn.l Fruit Ganieiu. Kith i Medway running through the estate, uitd about iijiie t- If Railway Station. Is. -lajr ESSRS. FAREBROTHER, CLARK, 1TJL are instructed by tho noMe Proprietor to TIO', at Garraway'6, in a short time, in one or mnrr Lots, DISTINGUISHED FREEHOLD and partly Titlu-L-o land-tax rudcemed) called BAB HAM COURT ESTATE, i ftituiito within an easy ot Maidstone, Roc'iiUt, TutV Sevenouks, and nearly thirty miies from London, t'K capital brick and atone mansion, seated upon a fine and

ls and commanding extensive and uimitcrrupttd views ofthe r.y. If. ing pk-tnresque conntry (including tlia river Modtvay, ffhij through the estate, and with the park nnd lands forms a htu portiunof that part of tlia county of Kent correctly Garden of England. The mansion is approached from tjr road, through ilio park, by handsome lodge entrances, 'i'k-eminently distinguished from tho beauty of tho situation ai position of the sronrds in a finely undulated park, nnd paling, and ornamented by a piece of tvater stored tv'h'i fall, h1 almost matchless beauty and variety. Th grounds arj Hvpu with crcat tjate in a splendid Inwn, ornaments I witli c(ls other tree 6 fratherititf io Die ground, numerous flowering and other thmis, jr (ensure grounds, tions, witl) extensive tri.trcuca walss, winaim? thrown tic di-tance of nearly two suitably placed fire gardens, with conservatory, hot and ereim houses, f.iw and bailiff' dwelling, farm-buildings, ice.

Also iidt.cj.-i;:,: lands in hand) SEVERAL CAPITAL FARMS, with superior residences, and ail suitable agnculiural 1. known as Hall Pla.e, Garden, Teston, Bow-liill, and Walnut Tree Farms, It-t io 1 ihly who aro under notice to quit, nt Minhae'mas next. The containing ACRES of very rich ineadow, pasture, and arable lands, fruit hoo trardens, aid woodlands. Also Die Manor of Nettle. quit rents, To be viewed by application to Mr.

IkUii, estate, aud rartieulars had of Mews. Bridges and Maon, Rod Lion'Souaru; and at Messrs. Farebroilier, 'j offices, 9, Lancaflier-place, Strand. Annuities and Policies, ESSRS. FARE BROTHER, CLARK, au will iiiihu by AUCTION, at liarraway'c, on Jan, 1.

by direction of the Assignees, and free from auction several ANNUITIES oi 24, S3, 32 and ta ISs, valuable old policies on thelivesof the grantors of fire old rolicfcs or assiirince, upon advanced. k.m Palladium, and Imperial offices, with considerable bonusc-i thfK.I and a post obit bond tor tha sum of 500, payable on th-1 eitr, gentleman aed 74 years. Par Lieu la rs may be had anv day tne sate of Wrssrg. Pickenncr, t-muh, Touipson, ana i'lcKinug dtova, Stone-buildings, LincoIuVinn William Tcrquaud, tr official assignee, Old Jewry-ehamueri of riark-: Rowkes, iOlicUovs.Gray'n-inn-square; ut Garraway's; and a'. Farebrother, Clark, and Lye's offices, Lancaster-place, Strand, Convhold Estate.

Battersea. Surrev. let at 70 per annum. "Mf ESSRS. FAREBROTHER, CLARK, IV: will Shut, at Garraway's, on Wednesday, Twelve, by direction of the Executors of Edmund E-.

ceased, a valuable COPYHOLD ESTATE, held of the manor of Batttrssa, cotijLEisimz an tlcanf jfothle villa residence, called The Priory, with coach iio iSr stablinir, pleasure ground, green house, aiid pardon; the tainir.s ab'ut two acre, and now in the occupation of James Go: on lease, of which ten years are unexpired, at a cHr only 70 por annum. Particulars are preparing, and may vry sr-' be had (when tlie estate mav bo viewed bv leave of tho tonar; Messrs. Francis and Son, solicitors, Monument-yard; at and at Messrs. Farcbrother, Clark, and Lye's, 6, Strand. Freehold Estate, Mitcham, Surrey, producing 82 10s.

ir an JiSSKS. AHEBHOTH JKH, CLAKK. wi Will SEL.L, DV AUCTION, nt liarraffav rf. OH wfcULtr- WAr- 9S. 'At TWlvo in Into A FREEHOLD ESTATE, it consisting of tliree cottage residences, vrah gardens, Mitchen, In the county of Surrey, let to respectable ter.anu amounting to JS62 10s.

per To be viewed by permission of tlie tenants particular; hal Kind's Head, Mitcham; of Andrew Van Sairiau, solicitor, King-street, Clieapside at Oavraway's; and at the ofttcoa of 51 Farebrother, Clark, and fl, Strand. Leasehold. Kstatc-s, Seiners-town, near the terminus of the IteW ESSRS. FAREBROTHER, CLARK, will SELL bv AUCTION, at Garrnway's. on Wrfw.

January 20, at Twelve, in two lots, bv direction of tlia Estt'iW. the late Mr. R. Jiingley, A LEASEHOLD ESTATE. consisting of Nos.

1 and 2, on the east side ef Little Dnmnv- street, Euston-square, let at rents nmoutlng ti 50 vet held for fit) unnvi.ti.nd 111: cnoro ( 1 iCi-3 and 10, Drummond-cresent, let at rents amounting to annum, and held for an unexpired term of yers, at a rent of i'6 per annum for each house To bo viewed by www of the tenants anil particulars had of Messrs. Valance toA) solicitors, 21, Essex-street, strand at Garraway's anuJitt'H'; of Messrs. Farebrother, Clark, and Lye, ti, Mortgage Debt fori80t), amply" lecured aTid tarring intew ESSRS. i'AREBROTHER, CLARK, havo received instructions to SELL bv AUCTION, at 'f' lawny on Wednesday, Jan. iw, at Tivelve.

ny Mortsanees and Assienees of Mr. William Bromley, and 1M- auction duty, a DEP.T of 800, btirius inte'f1 per cent, per annum, amply secured upon leasehold tsuie. Xos. 47, 48, and 49, Great Jaraos-street, Lisson-grove, lotto resizable tenants at rente amounting to 135, and held for an na term of 75 years at a ground rent. Particulars may be Messrs.

Pickering, Smith, Tompson.andPicfcerinc, solicitors buildings, Lincoln's-inn; of Messrs. WounBoy and Gray, f), Staple-Inn; of William Turnuand, official, '-( vmiiiiuera, vmi ui uairaway uitu hi. Messrs. Farebrother, Clark, and Lye, 6, Lancaster-piere, strand- FreehoM Esture, Welton-streer, Lonir-acre. ESSRS.

FAREBROTHER, CLARK, will SELL by AUCTION, Garrawav'a. on January 29, ot Tivelve, the VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a brick-built dwelling house with larga spaca of ivi the rear, and a swimming bath supplied by a medicated prU" known as Queen Ann's Baths, situate and No. 3, Old Belt street, having a frontage to tlie new line of street leading from Uw acre to Holborn, and forming a direct communication between tw northern and southern parts of London, in the occupation ot Ellom, whoso leBse expires at Michaelmas-day next, at the low rit. of tiQ per annum. May be viewed hy permission of tiie tonsstj nt Garrjiwnv's- and nt ftio nfflnna nf Hfnaapo TTornhr.tlinr.

Clark, 8 Lye, 6, Lancaster-place, Strand. Modern Furniture, brilliant Chimney Glasses, AsminsiT an. Turkey Carpets of largo dimensions, Pnir of Globes, Orm Chandeliers, Library Bookcaso, China and Glass, 30 dozens eli East India Sherry, and numerous Effects, partly removed f'" ESSRS. OXENHAM and SONS will by AUCTION, at Ihelr Rooms, ass. nn'rd.

treet the Pantheon), TO-MORROW, at Eleven for Twelvo precisely. modern FURNITURE, including four -pott and Parisian beast" with chlntj and damask hangings and bedding comolete witp1 wardrobes, drawers, a rosewood drawing room suite in cri'ot and a ditto in blue silk, pair of cheffoncers, pair of tables, handa gilt Louis XIV. console, brilliant ciiimney and pier glasses, ''ani' some ormolu chandeliers, a Turkey carpet of noble dimension being 23 ft. by 15ft. two elegant Axminster ditto, suites of win curtains, dining room and library cbairs in morocco, couches sn'J library cliairs, eight-feet wingedlibrary bookcase, writing table, expensive Parisian ditto, telescope dining tables, pedestal sidetio3' sarcophagus, dinner waggon, pair of eishteen-inch globes, din'-11? room lamps, plated articles, ornamental and useful china si SO dOTnn vem ohniA V.nat Inflift Aliovv llin Kasnmptlt I33 cullinary utensils, and numerous effects.

May be viewed this liJ' and morning of sa'fr, and catalogues had. Stock of Books and CoDvriebti). R. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, his Great Room. 192.

Picet-slreet fcorncr of lane), on Saturday next, January 11, and thres following Half-past Twelve, by order of the the bound and 1" stock of BOOKS, copyrights, of James Maynard, of street, Haymarket, bookseller (a Including a valaao collection of modern works in every branch of literature, elemenjflf-and school books, and shares of copyrights in popular sum publications. To he viewed catalogues had of P. Johnson, l-'- official assignee, 20, Basinghall-street; Messrs. Fry, Loxley, and solicitors, su, (jneapsme; ana at the place of sale. Prinie and published at the Office, No.

832, Strand, in the of St. Mnry-le-Strand, in tho of Middlesex, by He" William Wills, of No. 33, Grett Queen-street, fields. In the parish of St. Giles-in-the-flalds, in the Mtddteiaxj Printer, ea Thursday, January 9, 1515, tc a st i material now in use, and at prices to suit all parties.

Scaling, filling, and every operation pertaining to dental surgery. Please notice No. Berners-street, Oxford-street. TURTLE for the MILLION. GUNTER'S real TURTLE SOUP, from Honduras, in air-tight cases, at 14.

each, containing sufficient for 16 persons; comprising the calli-patsch, callipee, and other prime parts of the turtle. It will keep good for years, and it is infinitely better, cheaper, and more convenient to tlie consumer, with printed directions that any cook can follow. To be procured at the Agents, HEDGES and BUTLER, Italian warehousem*n, 155, Regent-street, London. On reoeipt of a Post-office order it will be promptly forwarded to any part of the country. FOTESGR AS IN CRUST, received at MOREL'S, 310, Piccadillv, and an increased variety of articles for the table FOIES GRAS FRAIS i FAIRE les SANTES aux TItUFFES, Strochini di Milnno, fromage de Roquefort, beurre de Prevalais, cliarcuterlc do Strasbourg en saucissons ordinaires et triiffcs, jambons roules cuits, et lnngues fourres, marrons du Luc, fresh Perigord truffles, dindes truffees, game and foies gras pates aux truffes, in handsome tureens, Westphalia chaps, Strasbourg bacon, Spanish and Westphalia hams, and the suitable condiment to the three last, the moutarde de Dijon, Frankfort sauerkraut, newly preserved sardines tin boxes, fresh caviare in small kegs, tunny fish iri oil, a'tes farcies aux anchoies, Severn smoked salmon, Lyons and bologna sausages avee et sans ail, Hambro' beef for grating, boars heads, small sizes, Yorkshire pies in a variety of tureens, polled dime, adapted for spreading on dry toast, potted char, rillettes de Tours, tutti quanti.

mHE'DIAMONliTGRAPE SHERRY, Vino viejo de Xercz. The Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry are respectfully informed that the first parcel of this superior WINE has recently been imported bv Messrs. VICKERS, PLAISTED, and of 10, Cooper's-row, Tower-hill, London. It oan be procured ef Ihsin, in cases of three dozens each, at 42s. per dozen bottles, case aiid carriage to any town in England included and of their Agents upon tile same terms; who have also single dozen cases at and sampln bottles 4s.

each, boltle included. Aganclw can be obtained. TOrODGSON and ABBOTT'S PALE JEL.M- This highly celebrated Boer, which has been held in sucn high repute in India for nearly a century, and is so strongly recommended by the faculty in this country to invalids and others for its tonical properties, can be procured only by orders, addressed to E. ABBOTT, Bow Brewcrv his city office, 08, Gracechurch-Btrcct; or from Duncan Liddle, 67, Princes-street, Leicester-square. ASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE, at 8s.

jier and 83s. per 18 gallon cask. FIELD, WARDELL, niipo aftov trooi ftttpntimi to hnttlinff this mucn namirea ALK, can now oiler it to their friends and the public in tho highest state ot perroctlon. Light Ales lor summer use, olwh mu ton Ales, London and Guiness's Dublin Stout, Cider and Perry, together with their Foreiftn Wines and Spirits of a very superior class. Pale and Burton Ale, Stout, and Porter, i casks of 18 gallons.

ii, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden. and EAST INDIA PALE ALE. JO CHARLES HALSON, wine merchant, and appointed to Buss and of Burton, begs to inform his friends and the public he 1ms a STOCK of this celebrated ALE, now in fine condition, both in quart and pint bottles, and 111 casks or la gallon each. As ulso Barclay's Stout, Burton and Alloa atrong Ales, and ohoic selection of Po'reiitn Wines 8, Croas-Btreet, Finaburr. rm A CARRIAGE FREE.

a. In consequence of facility of railroad conveyance, we have made arrangements with the principal carrying establishments to do-liver free oi uxpenso, which arrangement extends only to those orders that exceed olb. weight ol TEA. MANSELL and 2, Bucklersbury, Cheapside. OEOPLE mindful of economy will do well to JST observe that the East India Tea Company aro supplying six pounds of cilhor black or green TEA lor six pounds ol cattee for and other descriotions ol teas and coffees at prices pro.

portion to their respective qualities. Offices, 8, Great St. Helen's Churchyard, Bishopsgate. aTiOALS. LARGE ARRIVAL.

WARD and 1 SCARBOROUGH'S Price is For best Stewarts. Hettons, and Lnmbtom (screened), 20s. 6d. small from ditto, IBs. best West Hartleys, for bakors, 25s.

Od. (cash). Honduras Wlmrf, Bank- side, Jan. 4, 1821. FALCON COAL WHARF, Bankside, South-wark.

WILLIAM and JAMES HORNE. COAL and co*kE MERCHANTS, find it necessary to advertise their address, it having been accidentally omitted in the i'ost omca, Directory. OULD CANDLES to BURN WITHOUl SNUFFING. KEMPTON'S PATENT. THESE CANII1B8 Ann sow greatly improved, and do not require snuffing; they burn longer and arc choaper than nny other candle the Annie is steady and brilliant.

No metallic or deleterious matter is usea in tne main, facturo. Price M. ner lb. Sold bv G. E.

Parish, agent for exporta. lion, 57, Upper Thames-street, City by all grocers nnd oilmen and at the manufactory, Old Bargehonse, Christchuvch, Surrey. HANDLE NOTORIETY. W. S.

HALE'S SUPERB COMPOSITE CANDLES, lOd. por requiring no snuffing, on comparison and trial are allowed to surpass all others of the present day for beauty and brilliancy of light. There is no patent for composite candles, neither will those called patent burn so long a time by houre as the tine waxed wick tallow moulds, or Is the light equal. Sold for cash at DAVIES'S old established warehouse, 63, St. Martln's-lane, opposite tho New Slaughter's Coflce- house.

1 DAVIES'S CANDLES, 5d. and 5.d. per lb. JiJ' Hale's superb Composite Candles, requiring no Bnuffing 10d. German Wax, Is.

2d. genuine Sperm Candles, 2s. 2d. por lb, superior Transparent Wax, 2e. genuind Wax, 2s.

fine Wax, Is. 6d. extra fino Moulded Candles, with the improved wax wicks, Yellow Soap, and 58s, per Mottled, 00s. and 64s. Windsor and Palm, Is.

4d. per packet; old Brown Windsor, Is. Od. Rose, 2s. Camphor, 3s.

superior Almond, 2s. superfine Soallng-wax, 4s. 6d. per refined Sperm Oil, 7s. Od.

per gallon; Solar Oil, 3s. 6d. For cash. At DAVIES'S old-established warehouse, 88, St. Martin's-lane, opposite New Slaughter's Coffee-house, Charing-cross.

ALMER and DECIMAL PALM CAN DLES (10 to tho lb.) give the light of Three ordinary Tallow Candles, require no sniifEng, and can bo used in any Candlestick. Sold by every Oilman, Grocer, at per lb. It will be seen by the following statement of Mr. J. Hawkins, at tha late Meeting of the British Association, that these Candles are by far the cheapest light at present in use.

With regard to Palmer's and tho common Dip, when the latter was not snuffed oftener than about every ten minutes, it took four to be equal to one of the former; and when un-snuffed altogethsr, it required eleven pounds to he equal to one pound of Palmer's. After alluding to further experiments with candleB.and also with oils, he concluded by recommending the self-snuffing candle in preference to oil." See Athenoeum, Oct. 10, 1844. Palmer and Mid aize Lamps, and Candles of the same description as tho above, may bo had of all Ironmongers, Lamp Manufacturers, Sec, in the kingdom. PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES hum without snuffing, like the finest wax, and nre cheaper in proportion to tlie lifjlii given than the commonest tallow ooe3.

Tliey are sold tiy respectable dealers throughout the country atorunder oneslillliiip per and wholesale to tho trade by Edward Price aud Belmont, VauxhaU; and Palmer and Sutton-street, Clerkenwell. Purchasers must Insist upon beini supplied in the shops with "Price's Patent Candles," or they aro very likely to get some of the imitations, on account of the greater profit afforded to the dealer by these latter. ARVEY'S FISH SAUCE. E. LAZENBY and SON, having numerous complaints from Families who are imposed upon hy spurious imitations of their HAItVEY'S FISH SAUCE, request Purchasers to observe that each bottle of the genuine article bears the name of WILLIAM LAZENBY" on the back, in addition to tho front label used so many years, and signed ELIZABETH LAZEN'BY." E.

Lazenby and Son's Essence of Anchovies continues to be prepared with that peculiar care which has rendered it so justly admired as Sauce for salmon, turbot, cod, soles, eels, and is manufactured only at their old-established Fi3h Sauce Warehouse, 0, Edward-street, Portman-squaro, London. STOOPING of the SHODLDEES and CONTRACTION of the CHEST are entirely prevonted, and gently and effectually removed in Youth, and Ladies and Gentlemen, by the occasional use of the PATENT ST. JAMES'S CHEST EXPANDER, which i6 light, simple, easily employed outwardly or Invisibly, without bands beneath the armB, uncomfortable constraint, or impediment to exercise. It is found highly beneficial to those much employed in sedentary pursuits; and can be sent per post, by Mr, A. BINYON, 40, Tavistock-street, Strand, London or full partlcu-ars on receiving a postage stamp.

ROWLAND'S UNIQUE PREPARATIONS. (Under the patronage of the several Sovereigns and Courts of Europe, and universally preferred). EowLiso'a' Macassar Oil, for the growtli and preservation oi the human hair. Price Ss. 6d family bottles (equal to four Btuall) 10s.

and double that size 21s. per bottle. Kowland'8 for improving and beautifying the skin and complexion. Price it. fid.

and 8s. 6d. per bottle, duty included. Rowland's Odohto, or Pearl Dentifrice, for the teeth and gums. Prico 2s.

Sd. per box, duty included. Caution. Spurious compounds are frequently offered for sale under the same names (some under the implied sanction of royalty), the labels, bills, and advertisem*nts of the original articles aro copied, and either a fictitious name, or tlie word genuine," is used in the place of Rowland's." It is therefore imperative on purchasers to see that the word Rowland's" is on the wrapper of each article, and that their signature is engraved on tho Government stamp thus, A. Eowlaad and Son, 20, Hatton-garden," which is affixed on tho Kalydor and Odonto.

Sold by the proprietors, and by chemists and porfuroere. All others are fraudnlentcounterfeiui. R. STOLBERG'S VOICE LOZENGE, the best sneciflc for Coughs. Colds, and all Affections of the Throat.

We have received several recommenaauons, amongst uie rest two from Clergymen, of the Stolbers Lozenge. Wo did, in a recent oiimher. ourselves recommend them as the best specific for clearing the voico that ever came under our notice." Editor Dramatic and Musical Review, November 16, 1844. io oe naa oi every cnetnist the kingdom. Wholesale agents, Barclay and Sons, Farrlngdon-strett.

mHE best REMEDY for INDIGESTION. JL NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recommended a simnlo. hut certain remedy, to all who suffer from indigestion, sick headach, bilious and liver complaints thBy act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient, imparting strength to the stomach, and composure to the nervous system, soiainootues at a. or lis. each, by Willoughby and late B.

G. Windus, 61, Bishopsgate-withbut and nearly all medicine vendors. Ss. 4s. and lis.

each box post free, and 12s COPAIBA and CUBEBS entirely Superseded. WRAY'S BALSAMIC PILLS, a certain cure for strictures, pains in the loins, affections of tho kidneys, gravel, irritation nf tlm hlndiinr nr urethra, and other diseases of the urinary passages. These Pills, having own employed in upwards of 1,800 teases in private, practice prior to being aovernsea many moussua cases since, and In no one instance known to fail are strongly recommended as a far more efficacious remedy than balsam copaiba, ciihebs.oranytnedlcine innretetit use. Prepared only by M.O.Wray, and all msdiclne venders 1 OTHIC HOUSE, Ciapham-rise. This GER- MAN and FRENCH PROTJE3TANT SCHOOL will RE-OrEM on ttifi 18th of January, for the reception of a limited number ot YOL'N'G GENTLEMEN, who will receive sound English and classical education, and acquire the Continental languages with as great a facility and fluency ae if residing in Germany or France, the principal and family being natives of the North of Germany, and having also lived several years In Paris.

Their invariable rule in to converse in German and French. The resident and attendant Tnariters aro men of talent and experience amongst the former is a German clergyman. The greatest attention in paid to morals and gentlemanly conduct, as well as to health, comfort, and progress of which highest testimonials can be obtained from the parents of the present pupils. Terms and prosjiectuseii on application ftt Gothic House. rILITARY COLLEGES.

At an establish lnent near the Recent' s-nark, whor* Revpral hiimlmri tlenieti have been prepared for Woolwich, Sandhurst, and AddiB-combe of whom have Rained the highest honours), there are a few VACANCIES. The number of resident pupils is limited to twenty. Tenon, one hundred guineas per annum. No vacations. The only extras are Gennun, Hindustani, and washing, For cards to MesHru, Allen and booksellers to the Honourable East i India Company, Leadenhall-strcer.

Wiutur Classes, i5 7 street." A pupil will acquire ro- --j Kegeilt-this system than in, vo year" Jt in five or six weeks on 41 A knowledge on the old." Edinburgh Review. Murray's language lessens half the expense of t'ravclHnjr. Book. This Bystem is the greatest improvement Westminster Review. M.

D'USAYER, M.A., assisted fty and a graduate of Oxford, attends families and vecyivps classes and private pupils for the classics, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and JiiiRUsh ianguaKOS. STINTER BONNETS. Madame GALLOIS heirs to inform ladies and the nublic has a splendid ii'Borlirrent of FRENCH MILLI.NKKi, consisting 01 caps, neao. vlresses, velvet bonnets, and a good drawn bonnetfor Is. Mourning aud wedding orders executed at the shortest notice.

The charge for ranking dresses dresses, 6s. plain ditto, full trimmed ditto, 10b. 44, New Bond-street. JOHNSON'S PATENT BEDSTEAD. The nobllitv, sentry, and public ore invited to inspect (he POItT-ABUi IRON FOLDING-HINGED BEDSTEAD, which may bo used with or without mattress or bolster, and converted into a safu in a lew moments.

For hotels, schools, lodging houses, and barrack rooms they will be found Uio most complete article ever offered to the public Can be had only of E. Johnson, patentee, 180, Piccadilly, lnte of Legdenhall-stred. TVO CHIMNEY is WANTED for RICKETS'S J. 1 PATENT CALORIFERE GAS STOVES, in rooms, Halls, v.hops, or churches, and for any small cloBe apartment a vcntilmicg pipe can be attached. These hishly-npproved Stoves have been for some veats in constant use in her Mnjesty's Mint and Post-office, Royal' Exchange Assurance-office, several churches, chapels, nnd railway stations; the shops of Messrs.

Winstanleyand Son, chemists, Poullrv; Messrs. Harvev and Son, drapers. Ludgate-hill; and In several hundred other places in all parts of England. Manufactory, Acar-street, Strand, opposite Charing-cross Hospital. ITCH EN RANGES.

WILLIAM SLAKK and SON resneotfullv solicit oublio attention to their mi- proved PATENT KITCHEN RANGE, with wrought iron boiler nnd oven, and with or without Steam Kitchen attached. It has an open tire, and an iron hearth which forms its fender, as well as sifter for the cinders, thereby effecting a great saving in fuel. It has altogether a superior claim for durability, economy, and cleanliness over ever? other cooking apparatus, and is applicable to either a mansion or a'oottage. The price varies according to size, but is mote reasonable than the ordinary range. To be Been in use, daily, at their warehouse, No.

10, Cheapside. rBHE PATENT PORTABLE SUSPENSION STOVE ventilates the room which it warms. Like other close stoves it economises fuel, but, unlike them, gives a genial heat without producing nausea, headache. Nearly 4,600 have been sold since the commencement of the present season. The prices are-for No.

Ills. No. 2, 25s. No. S2s.

The Church, School, and Hall sine (No. is i'S 10s. Always in operation atGEORGE and JOHN opening to the Monument, 40, King William-street, London-bridge. RANGE, LEMON, CITRON, and SHADDOCK TREES, from 83. to 10a.

each Catalonian, Azorian, and Arabian jessBmino plants, and double Italian tuborose roots, just received from Italy, and may be seen at A. COBBETT8 (late Mr. Barron's) Italian and foreign warehouse, 18, Pall-mall also new honeycomb, Farmasan and Gruyero cheese, Gorgona anchovies, salad oil, macaroni, RAWING ROOM CLOCKS. A. is.

savory mid SONS. Ne. V. Cornhi I. London, opposite the Bank nf EnrlMiii.

invite attention to a splendid variety of rosewood, china, bronzo. and ormolu CLOCKS; they go for eight days, and trike the hours and half-hours. Price 4 guineas, 7 guineas, and 10 guineas each, and upwards. The performance is warranted. A pamphlet, with detailed lists of prices, and illustrated with sketches, mny bo had on application, gratis, or sent to all parts ol Great Britain and Ireland, postago free, in answer to a post letter.

MEW OPTICAL" INSTRUMENT, for the regulation of watches and clocks, E. I. DENT'S PATENT DIPLEIDOSCOPE, or Meridian Instrument, for obtaining tho true time by an observation of the sun or stars. Tho instrument is as simple as a sun-dial, while it i Infinitely more correct neither does it require any previous knowledge of practical astronomy, or astronomical instruments, for its perfect use. Price two guineas each.

Pamphlets, containing a description and directions for its use, Is. eaoh but to customers gratis. 82, Strand, and 38, co*ckspuv-streel, London. OILVER PLATED GOODS, Fine Gold io Jewellery, Gold and Silver Watches, SELLING OFF much under prime cost, at 78, Cheapsldc, by order of the Assignees to the Hanlivupt's Estate, for one month only. The stock is first rate, and vorv extensive, presenting a favourable opportunity morchants, hotel proprietors, ana large purchasers, seldom met with.

The stock conif rises comploto dinner services, tea and coffee services, with every aiticlo requisite for the sideboard. Gold Watches warranted from 5s. Silver ditto from .8. Application for further particulars ol the stuck mado to Mr. Lloyd, 78, Cheopside, to the assignees,

For one month only. OLD and SILVER WATCHES, warranted with a twelve months' trial, at 8AEL and SONS, watchmakers, 18, Poultry, near the Mansion House; and 18, Cornhill, opiwsitc the New Royal Exchange. Gold Watches, horiaontal movement, four hole Jewelled, maintaining power to go whilst being 0 0 Ditto with gold dials 0 10 0 Ditto is silver cases 3 8 0 Patent Lever Movements, jewelled in four holes, maintaining power, detached escapement, in silver 8 18 0 A written warranty given with each watch and twelve months trial allowed. Gold Chains, best quality, at their weight in sove-rcisms, a chain weighing three sovereigns, 8 8s. ditto four sovereigns, 4 and so on.

Sari and Sons, 18, Poultry; and 18, Cornhill, opposite the New Royal Exchaage. Pamphlets, with the various patterns and prices, gratis. Goods sent for selectloa to all parts of tho kingdom. SILVER PLATE. THOMAS WEST, Working iV5 Silversmith, 18, Ludgate-street, St.

Paul's, has now on salo e. large STOCK of the best wrougni utt sruuns ana roatvo. Piddle Pattern, oz. s.d. i s.d Victoria Pattern.

02, s.d. fs.d. 12 Table Spoons SO at 7 2. .10 15 0 12De6ertSpoon26 7 2.. 7 8 4 2 Gravy Spoons 10 7 a 8 1 1 8 1 Kish Slice 2 18 0 12 Tea Spoons 10 7 8..

8 IS 18 Table Forks 40 12 DessortForks 25 2 GravvSpoonslS 1 Fish Slice 12 Ten Spoons 14 7 8.. 15 0 0 7 0.. 0 7 6 7 0.. 4 17 3 10 0 8 0.. 5 12 0 1 Suiar Toners 0 15 0 1 Sugar Tongs 1 0 Thr Victoria and Albert are quite now putterus, and superior style to any other.

Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains and Jewellery. 'For the convenience of paitics residing at distance, Wost'has published a Hand-Book, full of useful Information, and containing 100 engravings, which may bo had gratis, and post free, on applying nt West's, 16, Ludgnto-street, London. SILVER TEA SERVICES. A. B.

SAVORY and SONS, manufacturing silversmiths, 14, Cornhill, London, opposite the Bank of England, submit the price of tho following Silver Tea and Coffee Services. The Cottage Pattern is plain, standing on shell feet, tho tea and coffee pot with a flower ornament on tho lids. Tho King's pattern is richly embossed with flowers and scrolls. The shape of either is new ana elegant tjottage atieni. King's Pattern.

0 0 Ditto Sugar Basin 7 10 0 Ditto CreamEwerS 10 0 Ditto Coffee-pot 16 0 0 StrongBilvor 12 0 0 Ditto wugarnasin 10 Ditto Milk Ewer 4 10 0 Ditto Coffee-pot 15 0 0 6 0 JB49 0 1 vofiotu iimsards nf ftftv ten and coffee services may be seen In tho show rooms, where may be selected evory article of silver requisite for tho sideboard or plate chest. Pamphlets of prices, illustrated with sketches of the various articles, gratis, and forwarded, postage free, to any part of the kingdom. -A. B. Savory and Sons, 14, Cornhill, London, opposite the Rank of England.

SILVER-PLATED TEA and COFFEE SERVICES. SARL and SONS, London and Sheffield House, 18, Poultry (near the Mansion-house), have ju6t manufactured for the approaching season a variety of the above sets from the most beautiful deigns. They possess a very thick coating of pure silver on Sari and Sous' new Argentine Metal, which being exactly the Bame colour as the silver, they will never appear different by any length of use. Tho plating is by a new improved process, the mounts are oi solid silver, and can confidently be recommended as the best article ever offered to the public. The price is as follows i tea ditto, 8 sugar basin, i cream ewer, 1 15s.

either article can he had separately. A varietv of salvers, cake baskets, snuffer stands, cruet frames," decanter stands, to. of the same manufacture at very moderate prices. Pamphlets, containing the prices and patterns of all the articles manufactured by Sari and Sons can be had gratis At the London and Bhoffield-liouse, 18, Poultry. ELECTRO-PLATING and GILDING.

Old PLATED GOODS RESTORED and made eaual to nw Messrs. Elkinirton and Patent Process. This nrocess hmnr carried on in London ONLY by Messrs. ELK1NGTON and it is irtieularly requested that all goods may be forwarded direct to their City. New goods plated upon white metal in great variety.

Books of prices and drawings sent to all parti of the king, dow and abroad free. COPY of a LETTER addressed to W. GRIM-STONE, 484, Oxford-street." 85, Tavistock-street, Covcnt-garden, Aug. 12, 1844. Sir Being an engraver on wood, which is a ery sedentary occupation, I was subject to great weakness of eight, alter being employed many hours.

I have felt wonderful relief from the use of your Eye Snuff. Through that alone I have been able to contluua at work for many more houn, and have left oh" with my sight quite as perfect as wbe I commenced in the morning, and I am certain if engravers generally were to use it, they would find it a great boon. Yours, WIJ.UAM Caltot." Anv qtanUtv can be ferwardai through the geuwal post by senilng E-oaty ojdsrs. A it. U.

tuitUt, with porttfe, wfll 1 art 10.

The Morning Chronicle from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.