The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1951 SOCIAL SOCIAL Dr. Olive Cooper to Speak At 14th District Conference Guidance Clinic Head to Be Heard by Federated Clubs In Westfield, Friday Dr. Olive A. Cooper, director of the Child Guidance Clinci of Springfield wtll address the 14th District Conference of the Massachusetts' State Federation of Woman's Clubs to be held Dr. Cooper's subject will be "Troubled children and bewildered Butler, director of the 14th District, Her subject will be "Troubled children and parents." Is Consulting Psychiatrist Dr.

Cooper is well known in this area as a consulting rsychiatrist for Wesson Memorial Hospital, Springfield Hospital, Springfield Municipal Shriners' Hospital for Crippled Children, as well as the Boyton School of Occupational Therapy. She is a graduate of Tufts Medical School, practicing child rsychiatrist for many years, and a of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, a board that certifies, one in this particular branch medicine. Dr. Cooper is author 'of many articles, among them, "Parental Atti-1 tudes and Their Effect on the l'er- Bringing Up Baby Hints Collected by Tips Sundar (Mother of 5) Even though mothers are busier than bees, it's the wise one who makes time for a beauty routiue. Plan 'for facials, manicures and all the little "up-keeps" that build up morale.

It pays off handsomely. Beauty treatments, Junior Grade. Daily beauty treatments are important for your little one, too! Babyoil rubdown for satinsoft skin! Hairbrushing for luxurious locks. Simple "dailydozens" for a body beautiful. Speaking of Junior Grades, if you've a tot who's beginning to sprout teeth, he's ready to graduate to Gerber's Junior Foods.

For these finelychopped fruits, vegetables and meats have the just-right bite size, the trueflavor goodness that "teethers" gurgle over. (Matter of fact, Gerber's Junior Foods are so good you'll find yourself stealing a spoonful or six.) Tub trick. Easy way to give baby his vitamin drops is while he's splashing in his bath. Any that miss the mark casily slosh away. Come and get it! Drop a card, that is, for free samples of Gerber's four famous Cereals Rice Cereal, Barley Cereal, Oatmeal, Cereal Food (wheat).

Enriched with minerals and important B-vitamins. All pre-cooked and ready. to serve. Just send to me, Mrs. Dan Gerber, Box N45-C, Fremont, Mich.

Oh say, have you seen the beautiful Gerber color ad in the Oct. 1st issue of Life and the current issue of Look? Since this is Cereal Month. it features fine Cereals the sweetest, sleepingest baby you've ever seen. sonality Development of Children:" "Relationship Between Early Neurotic Traits and Later Personality Patterns." Stato Vificers, to Attend The morning session will open at 10.30. Participating in the program from the Federation will be Sirs.

Robert E. Fowle, second vice-president; Mrs. larry Sanburn, Western vice-chairman of Topics subscriptions; Mrs. Warren C. Whitman, chairman of legislature; Mrs.

Henry Miss J. Duman, Gracechairman art, and Draper, chairman of Evening! Divisions. Local women taking part include Mrs. Charles C. Bliss, president of the 14th District President's Club; Mrs.

Stanley' Plaice, president of the Westfield Woman's Club, and Mrs. Ernest Perv, first vice-president of the Westfield Club. Luncheon will be served at 12.30 in the clubhouse, reservations for which must be made with Mrs. Stanley L. Plaice, of 16 Kellogg will Westfield.

at The afternoon session open 1.30, when Dr. Cooper will speak. District Representatives Representatives of the 14th District of the Massachusetts State Federation Woman's Clubs include: Director, Sirs. Alden F. Butler of Westfield; Federation Topics, Mrs.

Frederick H. Dickinson of Easthampton; elections, Mrs. Carl W. Hanson of South ladley Falls; nominating conimittee, 1951-1952, Mrs. Harry B.

Sanborn, Palmer; Division of Adult Civic Education, JIrs. Paul M. Limbert, Springfield: Division of. Legislation, Mrs. J.

Roberts Doe, Wilbraham; Division of American Home, Mrs. Robert Bennett Yahn, Monson; Vision of Preservation of Antiques, Jirs. Robert B. Lane, AIrs. Southampton; Division of 'Civil Defense, Clifford D.

Pond, Agawam; Division of Conservation and 'Gardens, Mrs. Charles E. Bliss, Warren. Rand, Division Florence; of Education, Division Mrs. of Mark Scholar- S.

ships, Mrs. Clifford Chapin, Barrington; Division of Art, Mrs. Herbert D. Ridgeway, West Springfield; Division Literature and Drama, Mrs. Marion Bradford, West' Springfield; Division of Music, Drs.

Walter H. Hadley, Florence; Division of Foreign Service, I birs. Elliot P. Brooks, Holyoke; Division of. Intergroup Understanding, Mrs.

William E. Vigneaux, Feeding Hills. Division of International Relations, Mrs. Donald W. Van Der Poel, Chicopee Falls; Division Religion, Dirs.

Jonathan A. Hall, Holyoke; senior sponsors, Mrs. Samuel E. Springfield; Division of Social WelMrs. Clifford B.

Potter, Springfield; Division of Public Health, Mrs. Samuel B. Augast, Northampton; Division of Veteran's Service, Mrs. Yale H. Brown, Monson, and Publicity, Mrs.

Reuben Schmidt, Longmeadow. Building Saturday Sale Will Aid Y.W Fellowship Rummage to Be Sold at An 1-association rummage sale sponsored by then Springfield YWCA will be held building at 26 Howard commencing at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, for the purpose of raising funds to contribute to the National World Fellowship Fund. This is used to help the YWCA units in foreign countries. Mrs. Frank Shoughrue a member of the Board of Management, is general chairman of the sale and Mrs.

Walter Booth is cochairman. Any and all members of the have been' invited to contribute bric-a-brac. clothing, dishes, kitchen utensils and white elephants. A special committee will gather with Mrs. Shoughrue and Mrs.

Booth to sort and mark contrivutions, in order a that all saleable items will be prepared by opening time on Saturday. Donors who are unable to take their contributions to the are asked to call the association. 5 Compo-Console In Pairs Beautiful crystal Compote top which screws into a base of Sterling Silver. When Compote top is removed the base makes a console candlestick. Perfect bridal gifts.

STERLING SILVER, Only 13.50 per pair, tax inc. Time Payments Arranged Open Thursdays Til 9 P.M. Arthur Cooley JEWELER 1210 Main at State St. Springfield Homer St. PTA Membership Tea Child Development Movie Is Shown A largo group of Homer St.

school mothers attended the l'arent-Teacher Association membership tea nt the school yesterday afternoon. Mrs. lloy S. Case, president, presided at it brief business meting When members voted to accept a revised set of bylaws. The revision has been madel under the direction of tho committee headed by Mr.

and Airs. Richard Mather. Mrs. Albert 10. Burgess, Jr.

and her committed welcomed new members. A film, "Proface to life" was presented by Mrs. Norman Erlanson. Tho film showed three ways a chill's life might develop. The mother and the father 1112 attempt to dominato tho child's life in forcing him to follow their dreams.

Tho ideal way is when the parents work togother to allow the child to grow in his own way and at his own pace. The child is given help when he. needs it urid encouraged 'to seek new experiences and to learn for himself. Only when both parents cooperate way, does the child develop 'naturally and, without undue influenco from either purent. At the conclusion of tho film the mothers divided into discussion groups.

Miss Flora Bacon, Miss Eleanor Johnson. and Airs. Florence Schweppe acted as moderators, each teacher taking a group for discussion of the film while tea was served. Miss Doris Coleman, a director and Mrs. Roy S.

Case, Jr. presided over the tea table. lIostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Jules Schenck, Mrs. Harry M.

Lunden, Mrs. Bion T. Wheeler, Mrs. Edward Wright, Mrs. Russell Moffett, Mrs.

Lawrence Bauman. Refreshments were provided by Mrs. James P. Callahan, Mrs. Eugene Jackson; Josepli W.

Withee, Mrs. John F. Knapton, Mrs. William Dow, Mra. James Kaleda, Ralph Hastings, Mrs.

Charles Boyden and Drs. Richard Dietrich. Winchester Square ALA Rummage Sale, The Winchester: Square Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary has completed plans for a rummago sale be hell tomorrow evening and allday Friday in the post rooms, State St. Clothing of all kinds as well as household articles will be available. Mrs.

Mildred McCarthy is chairman of the sate. The auxiliary will have a par-1 ty this evening in the Legion rooms' at 8 o'clock. To the meeting on Wednesday evening, Oct. 24, members are asked to take their gifts for the Christmas gift shop at Leeds lIospital, HOMER PTA TEA--New members 'of the Homer St. PTA were welcomed at a tea yesterday by members of the club and teachers.

'Shown at the tea are (left to right) Miss Flora Bacon, first grade teachCr, Mrs. Hilmer Peterson, Mrs. Roy Case, president, and Miss Doris Coleman, second grade teacher. Garden Club Will Hear Mrs. Barnes Landscape Architect to Be Speaker On Friday "Planting for spring blooms" is the topic on which Margaret Fitz Barnes, landscape 'architect, of Belmont, will address members of the Springfield Garden Club, Friday, in the parish house of South Congregational Church.

The meeting will open with luncheon at 12.15. Mrs. Elmer D. Silver, is chairman of the day and Mrs. William C.

Leete is cochairman, Hostesses will be Mrs. Dwight Ellis, Mrs. Corydon K. Litchard, Mrs. Walter E.

Mosher and Mrs. Wesley Smith. Mrs. Barnes is chairman of horti-! culture for the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts. She is a practicing landscape architect and is chairman of' the subcommittee on horticultural planning of 'the Blue Star Memorial lighway.

Mrs. Herbert L. Ames is president of the this year, with Mrs. Douglas V. Wallace, Mrs.

George H. Lantz and Mrs. Charles C. McPherson of Easthampton. as vice-presidents.

Mrs. Lecte -is recording secretary, Miss Ruth D. Oldfield, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Frederick J. Norton, treas- FOR EXPERT REUPHOLSTERING CALL 6-3826 CROWN UPH.

CO. 457 STATE ST. Need Money? urer and Mrs. Herbert F. Payne, sistant treasurer.

Become Members U. of M. Drill Team Several Springfield area students were recently named to the University of Massachusetts drill team, a group of 48 precision drilled coeds which performs during the fall season at the university football games. The group includes Miss Joan Schnetzer of Daviston a junior at the state university, and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority; Miss Betty Sullivan of California also a junior, and a member. of Chi Omega sorority; Miss Martha Okun of.



SAVES New! CLOTHES FROM PERSPIRATION STAINS. SAFE FOR NORMAL SKINSuper -Fine CAN'T HARM FABRICS. GET HEED TODAY! Heed DRIES BE SAFE TAKE Heed. AT ALL COSMETIC COUNTERS 3 Circle Will Have Halloween Party Regina Circle, Daughters of Isabella will have, a Halioween party in the Knights oft Columbus rooms, Ly-, man Monday evening; at 8. "Honorary chairman is Mrs.

Mae McDermott, and general chairman, Elizabeth Beddow, assisted by Mrs. Reatha Metcalfe, Mrs. Ida Gaouette, Mrs. Rose Johnston, Mrs. Yvonne Daunais, Mrs.

Emily Roberge, Mrs. Blanche O' Brien, Airs. Margaret Seigal and Mrs. Pauline Smith. All members and their friends are invited.

4 DRS. STANLEY L. PLAICE Is president of the Westfield Woman's Club which will be hostcss group to the 14th District of the Massachusetts of Women's Clubs for 8 conference on Friday. Regional Meetings On 'School Child' Alrs. Larson to Speak at Palmer, Westfield Drs.

N. May Larson, specialist in child. development. and family life, University of Massachusetts, will discuss "The school child and his lems" at regional meetings the auspices of the Hampden County Improvement League. In Palmer on Wednesday, 24, Mrs.

Larson will meet with parents at the high school at p. while another discussion will be held Thursday, Oct. 23, in Westfield in the Lang Auditorium at 7.30. Mothers and fathers of children of school age are invited to attend and to talk over common problems, that confront them, as naughty names, "tall tales." quarrelling, fidgeting, back talk and correcting. When a child goes to school, there are many new experiences for both child and parent.

Behavior may change, are very normal, but should be watched. -Parents must learn to accept the child as he is and help him to understand himself. Everyone is invited to these meetings. They are free and open the public. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the stages of growth and development of the school age child, and any special problems.

Miss Molly Higgins, home demonstration agent of the Hampden County League, announces that meetings will be held in LudImprovement low and West Springfield in November. Club Calendar Today Massachusetts Parent-Teacher ciation, 42d annual convention, Municipal Auditorium. opening 8.30. Convention dinner, 6.30. Longmeadow Woman's Club: Annual president's day luncheon, program, parish house, First Church of Christ, Congregational, Longmeadow, 1.

Mrs. Maleka Brown, guest speaker. Groups, Women's Gulld, Emmanuel Congregational Church: Ann Langwill Group, home Mrs. Stanley A. Edwards.

32 Manchester 1.30; East Forest Park Group, church, 1. Evening Group, Women's Guild. First Congregational Church: Supper meeting. Bickett Room, parish house. Court 6.

Polish Women's Alliance, Group 422: Monthly meeting. Polish National Home, Chestnut 8. Collego Club of Guest meeting, reception, Museum of Fine Arts. 8. Read, president of the Foundation for Economic Education, guest speaker.

West Springiield ('hapter, Order of Eastern Star: Holiday fair, Masonic Hall, Springfield, 2 to 9. Turkey supper, 6. E. K. Wilcox Women's Relief Corps: Dinner meeting, Memorial IIall, 41 State 5.30.

Regular business meeting. 7.45. Rainbow Mothers' Club: Home Mrs. Merton Smith, 245 Arthur East Springfield, 3. Sixteen Acres Women's Club: Opening meeting, Foster Memorial Church parlors, 7.45.

Miss. Leone Avery, speaker. sss Class, Trinity Methodist- Church: Food, article sale, Trinity Community House, 12 noon. Ladies' Aid, Bethesda Lutheran ('hurch: Swedish meatball supper, church, 5.30, 6.30. Evening Guild, Christ Church Cather dral: Dessert bridge, Crystal Room.

Chester D. Paine, White 8. Women's Dirision, Springfield Iphrew Day School: Open house, school, Oakland 8.30. Mrs. Betty Schupack, speaker.

Ladies' Auxiliary, Congregation Sons of. Israel: Annual Succoth bridge, vestry, synagog, Dwight 8. Woman's Society of Christian Soryice, Trinity Methodist Church: Worship service, Grace Chapel, business meeting, program, Primary Room, 1.30. Mrs. Florence Reeves, speaker.

St. Aloysius Guild, Indian Orchard: Church hall, 7.30. Dr. I. I.

Chamberlin, Club Sociale: Clubrooms, Chapin 8. Springfield Chapter, National Secretaries Association: Dinner meeting, Sheraton Hotel, 6.15; John 1. Fitzpatrick, Chicopee superintendent of schools, speaker. Degree of Honor Protective Association: Card party, home of Mrs. Josephine Violante, 123 Parkside 8 D.

m. United Navy Mothers Organization, Unit 1: Birthday club party, home of Mrs. Julia Cotter, 497 Dickinson 8 p. Mount Carmel Christian Mothers Janlor Branch Benefit card party, Mount Carmel Hall, 8 p. m.

East Springfield Junior Women's Club: Annual. mother-daughter banquet Wiggins Tavern, Northampton, 6.30, Miss Eunico, Diamond of Field 'Longmeadow, a. senior, and. a member of the Collegian staff and of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, and Miss Joan Czaja of Carew a junior, and a member of Newman Club and Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. RUGS AT GREAT SAVINGS Large Stock of WOOL RUGS All Grades and Sizes HUNT SHEA 810 ENFIELD ST.


Open Saturday. 9 A.M. To 5 P.M. Wilbur Coon Ar for the hard to fit foot THE (CO FREE TREAD $16.95 Most Styles Holds correct heel position and arch in comfortable, Gives foot relaxed but controlled freedom Assures all day on your feet comfort Does not took like a comfort shoe WILBUR COON SHOES for the hard to fit foot LENGTHS 1 to 13 WIDTHS AAAAAA to EEEEE I Harlan SHOES 119 WORTHINGTON ST. (A Few Steps From Main St.) OPEN THURS.

NITE 'TIL 9 JESSIE'S Notebook Tureen Tricks: cately brown; add to with lightly salted, and combine 1 can condensed cream of mushroom with cups milk and 1 cup cooked, mixed vegetables. Serve hot! Words Alone can't describe what extra-delicious coffee New Instant Maxwell House Coffee makes. You'll just have to prepare for a fresh experience in coffee pleasure, because this is a brand new type of It's not a powder, not a grind, but millions of tiny Flavor Buds of pure coffee ready to burst instantly into that flavor. world-famous Instant Maxwell Maxwell House Coffee is quick to- fix as old instants, but, believe me, the taste is deliciously different! For this is real Maxwell House Coffee, brewed for you in the spotless Maxwell House kitchens. At exact moment of perfection the water is removed, leaving "Flavor Buds" of pure, superlative Maxwell House Coffee.

Imagine getting the only instant coffee with that "Good to the Last. Drop" Maxwell House flavor and saving money, too. You save up to compared to a pound of oldfashioned ground coffee. Hooray! Hurry! Hurry! A real bargain! For only get an enchanting comb and brush set in dainty styrene plastic this easy way: FOR EACH Send boxtop from Duz or Ivory Snow or 1 wrap( per from Ivory Soap-plus To: Box Procter 555, Gamble, Cincinnati, Dept. Ohio Here's the ideal comb and brush to carry with you anywhere! It's purse- -size -and a beauty.

An value for 1 And you'll find the 4 rows of DuPont Nylon bristles in the brush, and the fine and coarse-toothed comb perfect for smart, quick grooming. These sets are grand for little gifts and just exactly what' your school-age young ones wantand need. HURRY! Send for yours! Here's How I Deal with breakfast skippers. I tell them cars can't run fuel any more than folks can work without food-energy. Then I let delicious hot "Cream of Wheat" do its own coaxing.

That second -helping flavor is appetite magic! Combine it occasionally with the fruit course to save time, add variety. And remember, at less than 'a bowl, "Cream of Wheat" puts your budget in the pink! Hurry-uppers want Enriched 5 Minute "Cream of Fully digestible in only 5 minutes of boiling. With added plus Calcium, Phosphorus, Niacin' and Vitamin BI. NOW AUTUMN'S HERE it's time to go to work on your dull, sun-dried topknot. Let New Wildroot Liquid Cream Shampoo help you exchange it for silky soft hair, shining-clean, "alive" with high-lights! I'm thrilled with the easy way this soapless sham-; poo, containing lanolin, inproves anybody's hair.

You see, it's not just a liquid, not just a cream it's a combination of the best of both. Rinses out quickly. "Gleams" your hair, leaves. No it "Squeckle" clean; easy to manageable. New Wildroot is the happy answer to the "How docs my hair look" worrier in your family, teen age or any age.

Men included! You'll find New Wildroot Liquid Cream Shampoo everywhere for as little as and I know you'll find it as delightful as it is economical. Pan-fry 1 cup thin onion rings till deli-; cream of tomato chicken soup curried fluffy whipped, cream. soup (make your own if you like) ONE SURE-FIRE' WAY to perk up morning appetites is to feature that alluring glass shaker of Domino Sugar and Cinnamon regularly on the breakfast table. When your folks know that Domino's delicious blend of pure cane sugar and fresh cinnamon is served every morning, no one is going to skip this meal. They'll all be busy making hot, buttered, cinnamon toast right at the table the handy Domino way.

And when hungry' youngsters come home after school, call on Domino Sugar and Cinnamon for extra duty. They'll love it on applesauce, cookies and other treats! SH-H! Keep an extra shaker of Domino Sugar and Cinnamon the kitchen so you'll have it for quick flavoring jobs. 5 it's a handy cooking help, Is Your Budget Burdened with costly linen replacements? Then take my advice Clorox in laundering. It's free from caustic and other harsh substances, extra gentle; it conserves cottons and linens, helps them last longer. And Clorox is a 4 in 1 product: 1.

It's an extra-gentle bleach. For whitening and brightening white and color-fast cottons and linens there's nothing quite like Clorox. 2. It's a dependable stain remover, too. Clorox is unexcelled for removing stubborn stains, even scorch and mildew, from treasured linens and from children's cotton play and party clothes.

3. It's an effective deodorizer in laundering and routine household cleaning. 4. And Clorox is one of the world's great disinfectants. You protect family health when you launder and clean with Clorox.

To get all the help Clorox can give you-read the Clorox label! I NEVER GAMBLE on the good brown color of my gravy by depending on pan-browning alone. I make sure it comes out just right by adding a little Kitchen Bouquet. Kitchen Bouquet is what I call a reliable cooking standby, for it gives your gravy deep, velvety brown easily, every. time. And there's another reason why good cooks, have found Kitchen Bouquet a key to gravy perfection for 75 years: its choice vegetables, herbs and spices (14 of them) are uniquely blended to bring out gravy's true meat taste, the natural goodness! Kitchen Bouquet's thrifty, too.

Takes very little each time. IT'S PIE FOR YOU to make as flaky and tender a 2 piecrust as the best of old-timers. You just use hom*ogenized Spry Spry's remarkable new "Water Whip" method. It's sure-fire-even for a beginner! So lct your folks enjoy your new talent-bake them mouth watering, nutsweet pastry. It's so quick! No more guessing how much water to use.

cutting in -because Spry is hom*ogenized specially made to mix with liquids. You know, no matter how grand and delicious your pie-filling is--the crust is the most important thing about a good pie. As any man will tell you! f. Spry's Piecrust "'Water Recipe Whip" Write Jessie DeBoth, Box 1237, Grand Central P.O., New York 17, N. Y.


The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.